Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/95

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"Do you think he'll be gone?" asked Joe.

"Well, if he left the lighthouse in a hurry, intending to call on a shipping agent, naturally he wouldn't stay in port long," said Blake. "Besides——" He stopped suddenly, being on the verge of saying something that would give Joe a hint of the truth.

"What is it?" asked his chum, quickly. "What were you going to say, Blake?"


"Yes, you were, I'm sure of it. Blake, is there anything you're holding back from me?"

Joe looked earnestly at his chum.

"I—er—" began Blake—when there came a knock on the door.

"What is it?" called Blake, glad of the interruption.

"Mr. Ringold wants you to get ready to take some scenes to-night," said the voice of Macaroni.

"Scenes at night?" inquired Joe, opening the door, and forgetting the question he had put to his chum.

"Yes," went on their young helper. "Flashlight scenes. He wants you at once."

The boys reported to their superiors, and learned that a smuggling scene, to fit in one of the sea dramas, was to be attempted. By means of powerful flash and electric lights, the current