Of some mortal until he,
By forgetting, sets you free. FAIRY VOICES
It's the lost fairy !
It's the lost fairy ! Let him in - he'll burn. GYEM
Too late, too late To enter here !
Nor have I the magic key
To open wide the Maple Tree. He disappears. The Sandman stands silently
by, for the long last sleep belongs to him. Mr. Bunt drops in terror. As if in mocking comes the answer. FIRE VOICES
Un - yan - yan - yan-
un - yan - yan - yan . NEW VOICES
In a rush, as though driven before the fire. Un - nene- na Un - ne - ne na Un - ne - ne- na-
un - ne - ne - na . unnene
na .
-un - ne - nena .
Gyem - Gyem - Gyem - Gyem ! Yen - ne - nema
yen - ne - ne -
Above the ominous chanting the deep voice of the Sandman is now heard as he moves to ward the figure of Mr. Bunt.