Baby fairy of the tree Will be burnt and never be But the food for fire and flame.
Gyem - I call you once again ! Enter Gyem . The Sandman calls to him :
Quickly set this fairy free, 'Ere he perish by the tree. GYEM
The key is lost. FIRE VOICES
Un - yen - yen - yen-
un - yen - yen - yen .
Un - yen - yen - yen-
-un - yen - yen - yen .
The terrifying chant rouses Gyem to action . He rushes madly to the hillock. Climbing to the top he cups his little hands to call : GYEM
West Wind - ho !
Silence again . Then way off in the distant hills is heard a long cry : “ West Wind blow - o - o - o ! ”
Gyem jumps to the ground. The red fire now fills the stage and through the smoke he is seen, standing rigidly, watching the Maple Tree. The leaves move slightly. Gyem dances
in delight.