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- "According to plan," 243
- Admirals, retired, accept commissions in R. N. R., 150
- Admiralty and Zeebrugge despatches, 230
- Africa, German South-West, Botha makes clean sweep in, 43
- After one Year, 49
- Airmen, Allied
- Bombard Karlsruhe, 39
- German, increased activity of, 140
- Air Raids
- Daylight, extend to London, 160
- Public to be warned, 166
- Aisne, Battle of, 5
- Alarming spread of bobbing, 251
- Albert, King of Belgium
- Tribute to, 269
- Victorious on Flanders coast, 256
- Allenby, General
- Advances steadily, 180
- Captures Damascus, 248
- Enters Jerusalem, 190
- Allied Council, new, formed, 186
- Allotment workers, 226
- Alsace-Lorraine reunited to France, 278
- Also Ran, 141
- America
- Enters War, 145
- War of Notes, 50
- American, an, interviews German Crown Prince, 114
- American Troops
- Enter firing line, 207
- First land in France, 158
- Ammunition expended round Neuve Chapelle, 32
- Amundsen, Roald, prepares for trip to North Pole, 180
- Ancre, British push extends to, 119
- Anglia, East, air-raids in, 28
- Antwerp, Fall of, 10
- Anzac, British heroism at, 50
- Armenia, martyrdom of, 270
- Armentières, Germans break through at, 213
- Armistice
- Big Ben breaks silence, 272
- How England took news of, 272
- Signed, 265
- Women ring church bells, 272
- Armistice Day, 271
- Army Signalling Alphabet, 139
- Asquith, Mr.
- Ceases to be Prime Minister, 124
- Discusses new Votes of Credit, 80
- Goes to Ireland, 90
- Promises to purge Peerage of Enemy Dukes, 105
- Recants hostility to Women's suffrage, 148
- Rejected at General Election, 275
- Athens, riot in, 128
- "Au Revoir!" xi
- Austria
- Defeated by Servia, 20
- Defeated on Italian front, 229
- Gives in, 264
- Issues Peace Note, 251
- Sues for Peace, 257
- Threatens Roumania, 20
- Austrians driven from Belgrade, 15
- Australians, valour of, 65
- Bad Dream, A, 153
- Baghdad, taken by British, 139
- Balfour, Mr.
- Appointed First Lord, 39
- Returns from U.S.A., 161
- Balkans, irrelevant news from, 64
- Banana, return of the, 278
- Bapaume
- Germans take, 207
- Recaptured by Allies, 242
- Beatty, Admiral, German Fleet surrenders to, 272
- Belgium
- Opposes German invasion, 2
- Resurrection of, 270
- Belgrade occupied by enemy, 57
- Bennett, Mr. Arnold, appointed Director of Propaganda, 262
- Berlin
- Bombed, 278
- French flags burnt at, 290
- Revolution breaks out, 264
- Strikes in, suppressed, 202
- Bernstorff, Count
- Mendacity of, 23
- Promotes strikes in U.S.A., 52
- Best Smell of All, the, 234