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Page:Mr. Punch's history of the Great War, Graves, 1919.djvu/319

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  1. "According to plan," 243
  2. Admirals, retired, accept commissions in R. N. R., 150
  3. Admiralty and Zeebrugge despatches, 230
  4. Africa, German South-West, Botha makes clean sweep in, 43
  5. After one Year, 49
  6. Airmen, Allied
  7. Bombard Karlsruhe, 39
  8. German, increased activity of, 140
  9. Air Raids
  10. Daylight, extend to London, 160
  11. Public to be warned, 166
  12. Aisne, Battle of, 5
  13. Alarming spread of bobbing, 251
  14. Albert, King of Belgium
  15. Tribute to, 269
  16. Victorious on Flanders coast, 256
  17. Allenby, General
  18. Advances steadily, 180
  19. Captures Damascus, 248
  20. Enters Jerusalem, 190
  21. Allied Council, new, formed, 186
  22. Allotment workers, 226
  23. Alsace-Lorraine reunited to France, 278
  24. Also Ran, 141
  25. America
  26. Enters War, 145
  27. War of Notes, 50
  28. American, an, interviews German Crown Prince, 114
  29. American Troops
  30. Enter firing line, 207
  31. First land in France, 158
  32. Ammunition expended round Neuve Chapelle, 32
  33. Amundsen, Roald, prepares for trip to North Pole, 180
  34. Ancre, British push extends to, 119
  35. Anglia, East, air-raids in, 28
  36. Antwerp, Fall of, 10
  37. Anzac, British heroism at, 50
  38. Armenia, martyrdom of, 270
  39. Armentières, Germans break through at, 213
  40. Armistice
  41. Big Ben breaks silence, 272
  42. How England took news of, 272
  43. Signed, 265
  44. Women ring church bells, 272
  45. Armistice Day, 271
  46. Army Signalling Alphabet, 139
  47. Asquith, Mr.
  48. Ceases to be Prime Minister, 124
  49. Discusses new Votes of Credit, 80
  50. Goes to Ireland, 90
  51. Promises to purge Peerage of Enemy Dukes, 105
  52. Recants hostility to Women's suffrage, 148
  53. Rejected at General Election, 275
  54. Athens, riot in, 128
  55. "Au Revoir!" xi
  56. Austria
  57. Defeated by Servia, 20
  58. Defeated on Italian front, 229
  59. Gives in, 264
  60. Issues Peace Note, 251
  61. Sues for Peace, 257
  62. Threatens Roumania, 20
  63. Austrians driven from Belgrade, 15
  64. Australians, valour of, 65
  65. Bad Dream, A, 153
  66. Baghdad, taken by British, 139
  67. Balfour, Mr.
  68. Appointed First Lord, 39
  69. Returns from U.S.A., 161
  70. Balkans, irrelevant news from, 64
  71. Banana, return of the, 278
  72. Bapaume
  73. Germans take, 207
  74. Recaptured by Allies, 242
  75. Beatty, Admiral, German Fleet surrenders to, 272
  76. Belgium
  77. Opposes German invasion, 2
  78. Resurrection of, 270
  79. Belgrade occupied by enemy, 57
  80. Bennett, Mr. Arnold, appointed Director of Propaganda, 262
  81. Berlin
  82. Bombed, 278
  83. French flags burnt at, 290
  84. Revolution breaks out, 264
  85. Strikes in, suppressed, 202
  86. Bernstorff, Count
  87. Mendacity of, 23
  88. Promotes strikes in U.S.A., 52
  89. Best Smell of All, the, 234