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- Bethmann-Hollweg, dismissed, 164
- Betrayed, 191
- Big Four's secrecy, 288
- Big Push, The, 103
- Billing, Mr. Pemberton
- Elected for Mid-Herts, 80
- Offers to raid enemy aircraft bases, 86
- Suspended from House of Commons, 239
- Birdwood, General, 267
- Birrell, Mr., apologia of, 90
- Bismarck, Prince, 31
- Bissing, Baron von,
- Reported dead, 148
- Retires from Belgium, 130
- Bloaters, unprecedented price of, 194
- Blücher, the, sunk by British, 24
- Blume, General von, depreciates
- American intervention, 168
- Boat-race, Oxford and Cambridge, suspended, 30
- Bobbing, Alarming spread of, 251
- Bordeaux, Paris Government removed to, 5
- Botha, General
- Enters War, 6
- Makes clean sweep in S.W. Africa, 43
- Bottomley, Mr. Horatio, visits France, 185
- Bravo, Belgium, 3
- Brazil enters War, 158
- Bread, curtailment of, 151
- Brest-Litovsk
- Conference, 190
- Taken by enemy, 47
- Treaty signed, 202
- British Expeditionary Force Lands in France, 1
- Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count, 290
- Bruges, reoccupied by Allies, 256
- Brusiloff, General
- Opens new Russian offensive, 163
- Successful against Austrians, 94
- Brussels.
- Fall of, 2
- Murder of Edith Cavell at, 60
- Buckmaster, Lord, appointed Lord Chancellor, 42
- Bukarest, fall of, 124
- Bulgaria surrenders, 248
- Bulgarians smashed by Allies, 248
- Bull-dog Breed, the, 11
- Bungalows, Government, increase of, 120
- Burns, Mr. John, re-emerges, 101
- Byng, General, 267
- Victory at Cambrai, 186
- Byron, Lord, and Greece, 57
- By special request, 211
- Cabinet pool salaries, 40
- Cadet battalions housed in colleges, 138
- Caligny, Americans at, 222
- Callousness of smart people, 184
- Cambrai
- Byng's victory at, 186
- Recaptured by Allies, 256
- Cambridge, Cadet battalions at, 254
- Camouflage, new art of, 176
- Caporetto, enemy break through at, 180
- "Captain of Koepenick" reported dead, 212
- Carson, Sir Edward
- Pays tribute to Major Redmond, 161
- Resigns Office, 58
- Casement, Sir Roger, and German Kaiser, 24
- Castlenau, General, 266
- Casualties, British, 24
- Cavell, Edith
- Murder of, 60
- Names of her principal assassins, 60
- Cecil, Lord Robert, appointed Minister of Blockade, 82
- Celestial Dud, the, 227
- Censorship and War Correspondents, 8
- Challenge, the, 75
- Chamberlain, Mr. Austen, resigns office, 166
- Champagne, French offensive at, 57
- Chemin des Dames, Germans capture, 220
- Children of Consolation, 200
- Children's Peace, 17
- China, food prices in, 194
- Christmas
- Musings, Punch's, 276
- Truce and fraternisation, 20
- Church bells requisitioned, 238
- Churchill, Mr. Winston
- Appointed Minister of Munitions, 173
- Dardanelles expedition, 28
- Paints landscapes, 50
- Rejoins his regiment, 61
- Resigns Duchy of Lancaster, 61
- Retires to Duchy of Lancaster, 39
- Civilian, the, and the War Office, 201
- Civil Service Estimates, 286
- Clemenceau, M.
- Attempted assassination of, 280
- Tribute to, 266
- Clyde, labour troubles on the, 70
- Coal Commission appointed, 284
- Coalition Government
- Formed, 36
- Leaders' pledges, 275