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- Diary—1918 (contd.)
- Diary July, 236
- Diary August, 242
- Diary September, 248
- Diary October, 256
- Diary November, 264
- Die Nacht am Rhein, 259
- Dogger Bank, 48
- German reverse off, 24
- Domestic servant's philosophy, 132
- Dominions, loyalty of, 268
- Douai regained by Allies, 256
- Drake's Way, 217
- Drocourt-Quéant switchline breached by Allies, 248
- Dud, the, 224
- Duke, Mr., retires from Irish Chief Secretaryship, 223
- Dumba, Dr., promotes strikes in U.S.A., 52
- Dunraven, Lord, excuses Irishmen, 216
- Dynastic Amenities, 149
- Easter offering, the, 285
- Economy, appeals for, 286
- Editor of the Vorwärts arrested, 108
- Education Bill
- Second reading of, 211
- Lord Haldane lectures on, 101
- Ekaterinburg, Ex-Tsar and family murdered at, 238
- Emden sunk by the Sydney, 12
- Emmas, the two, 251
- Empire, indispensable in winning War, 267
- End of a perfect " Tag," 291
- England
- Tribute to, by New York Life, 74
- War could not have been won without, 266
- Enver Pasha goes to Medina, 78
- Epilogue, 275
- Erzerum falls to Russians, 74
- Euphemists, 47
- Excursionist, the, 13
- Exile, the Irish, 260
- "F. E." appointed Lord Chancellor, 278
- Falaba, the, sunk by German submarine, 32
- Falkland Islands, 48
- Battle of, 15
- Farmer and Farm Labourer, 253
- Far-reaching effect of the Russian Push, the, 95
- Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria
- Abdicates, 257
- Declares war on Serbia, 57
- Goes to Vienna, 251
- Inscrutability of, 52
- Fidgety Wilhelm, the story of, xii
- Fifth British Army, Germans break through, 207
- Final, the, 267
- Fisher, Lord, will not give explanations, 61
- Fisher, Mr., eulogised, 211
- Flag days, 43
- Flanders coast evacuated by Germans, 256
- Fleet, German, surrenders, 272
- Flight that failed, 21
- Flying of the Atlantic, 288
- Foch, General
- Appointed Generalissimo of Allied Forces, 213
- Arranges Armistice, 264
- Made a G.C.B., 16
- Receives German envoys, 264
- Tribute to, 265
- Food at the Front, 206
- Control, public for, 120
- Production, urgency for increased, 151
- Question discussed in Parliament, 204
- Question in Germany, 23
- Restriction, 144
- Stocks increasing, 174
- Ford, Mr. Henry
- Offers his works to American authorities, 134
- Visits Europe, 66
- For Neutrals—For Natives, 71
- Fort Douaumont falls, 74
- Fourth of July celebrated in France, 241
- France, destruction and desolation of, 145
- France's Day, 236
- Franchet d'Esperey, General, 266
- Francis Joseph, Emperor, dies, 118
- French, General
- Appointed Viceroy of Ireland, 223
- His "contemptible little army," 2
- Relinquishes his command, 66
- Responsible for Home Defence against enemy aircraft, 77
- Fryatt, Captain, murder of, 105
- Funchal, U-boats busy at, 196
- Gaiety at military hospitals, 87
- Gallipoli, 268
- Allies land in, 32
- Casualties in, 46
- Complete evacuation of, 65, 70
- Discomforts of, 42