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- Garibaldi still an animating force in Italy, 36
- Gaul to the New Caesar, viii
- Gaza taken by British, 186
- Geddes, Sir Eric
- Defends Admiralty, 188
- First Lord, 188
- General Election, 275
- General Janvier, 20
- Geography taught by War, 200
- George, Mr. Lloyd
- Appointed Minister of Munitions, 40
- Defines British policy, 114
- Deputed to confer with Irish leaders, 90
- Expounds plan for Irish Convention, 154
- Prime Minister, 124
- Secretary for War, 105
- Suffers in prestige, 288
- Triumph of, 275
- Warns peacemongers, 245
- George, King of England
- Abolishes German titles held by family, 162
- His House to be known as Windsor,
- Sets a fine example, 269
- Visits Front, 16
- Gerard, Mr., Reminiscences of, 170
- German
- "Frightfulness," 32
- General Staff and set-backs, 18
- Substitutes, 104
- Germany
- Campaign of Falsehood in, 228
- Civil War in, 278
- Fleet surrenders, 272
- "German Truth Society" founded, 14
- Great mistake of, 268
- Hints to Italy, 28
- Ill-treats prisoners, 83
- Indulges in reprisals, 39
- Jealous of Lusitania records, 34
- Laments over Allied blockade, 70
- Lunatics called up for service, 163
- Mutiny at Kiel, 180
- New Peace offensive, 228
- Old, contrasted, 178
- Peace overtures, 124
- Signs armistice, 265
- Signs peace, 290
- Sinks two hospital ships, 119
- Sprays British soldiers with flaming petrol, 28
- Squirts boiling pitch over Russians, 28
- Torpedoes Neutral merchant ships, 24
- Warns Punch, 40
- Ghosts at Versailles, 291
- God (and the Women) our shield, 7
- Goeben, disaster to the, 199
- Good Hope, H.M.S., sunk, 12
- Gothas, activities of, 199
- Gouraud, General, 266
- Governesses, English, revelations of, 23
- Grandcourt, taken by British, 136
- Grand Fleet, ceaseless vigil of, 48
- Title, passes, 288
- Grapes of Verdun, the, 85
- Great incentive, a, 187
- Greece
- Dominated by pro-German Court, 57
- Hampers Allies, 57
- Territory violated by Bulgarian troops, 94
- Ultimatum presented to, 114
- Greenwich time applied to Ireland, 120
- Grey, Sir Edward
- Dissatisfied with Neutrals, 74
- Statements re France and Belgium, 1
- Grimsby fishermen's fight, 28
- Guy Fawkes Day, no fireworks on, 123
- Gwynn, Capt., undertakes to raise Irish brigade, 239
- Haig, Sir Douglas
- Commander-in-Chief of British Armies in France, 66
- Issues a Dispatch, 158
- Issues historic order, 213
- Haldane, Lord
- Debt to, for Territorials, 51
- Lectures on Education, 101
- Retires from Chancellorship, 40
- Hamlet, U.S.A., 35
- Hampshire, the, mined, 92
- Handyman, A, 55
- Hardinge Report, Lords discuss the, 100
- Harvest, a successful, 252
- Haunted ship, 33
- Havre, Belgian Government removed to, 10
- Hay, Ian, book by, 109
- Healy, Mr. Tim, champions Government, 80
- Heligoland Bight, 48
- Naval engagement in, 2
- Held! 89
- Hemline, Erzberger's campaign against Chancellor, 229
- Hidden Hand, the, 38