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- Pill-boxes, German, made of British cement, 225
- Pitiful pose, a, 231
- Place in the moon, a, 183
- Place of Arms, a, 155
- Plain duty, a, 137
- Plumer, General
- Stands firm on the Piave, 186
- Victorious in Flanders, 256
- Poison gas, Germans use, 32
- Police, London, strike, 252
- Political truce, 42
- Politician who addressed the troops, the, 219
- Pommern, the, sunk by British, 43
- Portugal enters War, 78
- Posters
- And Publicity, 38
- And War Loans, 50
- Newspaper, absence of, 149
- Press
- Bureau, 46
- Campaign against Mr. Asquith, 126
- German, humours of, 47
- Prince of Wales
- Relief Fund, 4
- Takes his seat, 204
- Prinkipo, proposed conference at, 282
- Prisoner, British, sentenced for calling Germans "Huns," 189
- Prisoners
- German, arrive in Ireland, 11
- German offer re, 120
- Propaganda, German, in United States, 26
- Prophecy
- An old Arab, 202
- Punch's, re Kaiser, 195
- Proportional Representation rejected, 225
- Punch's
- Cartoons and the Kölnische Zeitung, 30
- Correspondents, 64, 152
- Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S., attacks in Dardanelles, 28
- Queries, futile, to wounded soldiers, 23
- Queues
- Disappear, 232
- For various commodities, 205
- "Queue War," 198
- Rabbit, the elusive, 198
- Raids by sea, 43
- Rasputin, sinister figure of, 139
- Rationing, compulsory, 189, 211
- Rawlinson, General, 267
- Realisation, 59
- Reconstruction, 279
- Recruit who took to it kindly, 133
- Recruiting, posters to aid, 38
- Redmond, Major William
- Falls in Flanders, 160
- Makes thrilling speech, 127
- Tribute to, in Commons, 160
- Redmond, Mr. John, death of, 210
- Reichstag not blind to facts, 180
- Rejuvenating effect of Zeppelins, 113
- Reprisals on German cities advocated, 163
- Repudiation, the, 84
- Return of the Mock Turtle-Dove, 125
- Reunited, 277
- Reventlow, Count, and the Kaiser, 146
- Reward of Kultur, the, 37
- Rheims Cathedral bombarded, 8
- Rhine, British Army's watch on the, 278
- Rhondda, Lord
- Appointed Food Controller, 163
- Death of, 240
- Richter, Dr. Hans, clamours for British extinction, 26
- Riga, Gulf of, German defeat in, 50
- Riga occupied by Germans, 174
- Rivers, French, find their voices, 242
- Roberts, Mr., Minister of Labour, 263
- Roberts, Lord
- Death of, 12
- Germans pay tribute to, 12
- His reticence, 6
- Robertson, Sir William
- Accepts Eastern Command at home, 204
- Appointed Chief of Staff, 66
- Displaced, 204
- Robinson, Lieutenant, brings down Zeppelin, 110
- Roosevelt, Mr., invents new invective, 69
- Roumania joins Allies, 104
- Royal Family, British, fine example of, 269
- Royal Flying Corps, 62
- Great losses of, 140
- Running amok, 25
- Rupprecht, Crown Prince, entertains journalists, 38
- Russia
- Army retreats, 42
- Bolshevist coup d'état, 186
- Bolshevist régime stained with massacres, 202
- Collapses, 168
- Dark hour of, 169
- Débâcle in, 270
- End of Tsardom, 139
- Ex-Tsar and family shot, 238