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Page:Mr. Punch's history of the Great War, Graves, 1919.djvu/327

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  1. Pill-boxes, German, made of British cement, 225
  2. Pitiful pose, a, 231
  3. Place in the moon, a, 183
  4. Place of Arms, a, 155
  5. Plain duty, a, 137
  6. Plumer, General
  7. Stands firm on the Piave, 186
  8. Victorious in Flanders, 256
  9. Poison gas, Germans use, 32
  10. Police, London, strike, 252
  11. Political truce, 42
  12. Politician who addressed the troops, the, 219
  13. Pommern, the, sunk by British, 43
  14. Portugal enters War, 78
  15. Posters
  16. And Publicity, 38
  17. And War Loans, 50
  18. Newspaper, absence of, 149
  19. Press
  20. Bureau, 46
  21. Campaign against Mr. Asquith, 126
  22. German, humours of, 47
  23. Prince of Wales
  24. Relief Fund, 4
  25. Takes his seat, 204
  26. Prinkipo, proposed conference at, 282
  27. Prisoner, British, sentenced for calling Germans "Huns," 189
  28. Prisoners
  29. German, arrive in Ireland, 11
  30. German offer re, 120
  31. Propaganda, German, in United States, 26
  32. Prophecy
  33. An old Arab, 202
  34. Punch's, re Kaiser, 195
  35. Proportional Representation rejected, 225
  36. Punch's
  37. Cartoons and the Kölnische Zeitung, 30
  38. Correspondents, 64, 152
  39. Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S., attacks in Dardanelles, 28
  40. Queries, futile, to wounded soldiers, 23
  41. Queues
  42. Disappear, 232
  43. For various commodities, 205
  44. "Queue War," 198
  45. Rabbit, the elusive, 198
  46. Raids by sea, 43
  47. Rasputin, sinister figure of, 139
  48. Rationing, compulsory, 189, 211
  49. Rawlinson, General, 267
  50. Realisation, 59
  51. Reconstruction, 279
  52. Recruit who took to it kindly, 133
  53. Recruiting, posters to aid, 38
  54. Redmond, Major William
  55. Falls in Flanders, 160
  56. Makes thrilling speech, 127
  57. Tribute to, in Commons, 160
  58. Redmond, Mr. John, death of, 210
  59. Reichstag not blind to facts, 180
  60. Rejuvenating effect of Zeppelins, 113
  61. Reprisals on German cities advocated, 163
  62. Repudiation, the, 84
  63. Return of the Mock Turtle-Dove, 125
  64. Reunited, 277
  65. Reventlow, Count, and the Kaiser, 146
  66. Reward of Kultur, the, 37
  67. Rheims Cathedral bombarded, 8
  68. Rhine, British Army's watch on the, 278
  69. Rhondda, Lord
  70. Appointed Food Controller, 163
  71. Death of, 240
  72. Richter, Dr. Hans, clamours for British extinction, 26
  73. Riga, Gulf of, German defeat in, 50
  74. Riga occupied by Germans, 174
  75. Rivers, French, find their voices, 242
  76. Roberts, Mr., Minister of Labour, 263
  77. Roberts, Lord
  78. Death of, 12
  79. Germans pay tribute to, 12
  80. His reticence, 6
  81. Robertson, Sir William
  82. Accepts Eastern Command at home, 204
  83. Appointed Chief of Staff, 66
  84. Displaced, 204
  85. Robinson, Lieutenant, brings down Zeppelin, 110
  86. Roosevelt, Mr., invents new invective, 69
  87. Roumania joins Allies, 104
  88. Royal Family, British, fine example of, 269
  89. Royal Flying Corps, 62
  90. Great losses of, 140
  91. Running amok, 25
  92. Rupprecht, Crown Prince, entertains journalists, 38
  93. Russia
  94. Army retreats, 42
  95. Bolshevist coup d'état, 186
  96. Bolshevist régime stained with massacres, 202
  97. Collapses, 168
  98. Dark hour of, 169
  99. Débâcle in, 270
  100. End of Tsardom, 139
  101. Ex-Tsar and family shot, 238