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- Milner, Lord, on misleading war news, 64
- Minesweepers, honour due to, 28
- Ministry of Munitions created, 40
- Missing, 184
- Mistresses, trials of, 19
- Monastir
- Fall of, 65, 70
- Recaptured by Serbians and French, 119
- Monmouth, H.M.S., sunk, 12
- Mons
- British reach, 264
- Retreat from, 5
- Monte Sabotino captured by Italians, 104
- Moon our enemy, 183
- Morning Hate, Prussian household having its, 27
- Mort Homme, carnage at, 74
- Mottoes and proverbs, 43, 128
- Mule humour, 81
- Müller, Captain, a chivalrous antagonist, 15
- Munitions, smart people work at, 56
- Museum, British, war spirit at, 31
- Museums, London, closed, 76
- Mutiny of sailors at Kiel, 180
- Muzzling Order, 288
- Namur, Fall of, 2
- Narrows, the, failure to get through, 28
- National Industrial Conference, 284
- National Party, the new, 182
- National Registration Bill, second Reading of, 46
- National Thrift Campaign, 68
- Navy, its efficient work, 254
- Need of men, the, 193
- Neuve Chapelle captured by British, 28
- New Armies
- Composition of, 24
- Education of, 105
- Training of, 232
- New Conductor, the, 126
- New Guinea taken by Allies, 74
- New language, the, 194
- Newmarket, racing stopped at, 154
- Newspaper readers, "credibility index" for, 19
- Nicholas, Emperor of Russia
- Abdicates, 139
- Generalissimo of his armies, 52
- Nineteen-nineteen Model, the, 281
- Northcliffe, Lord, and his correspondence, 56
- Visits U.S.A., 161
- North Sea, U-boats active in, 28
- Novo-Georgievsk taken by enemy, 47
- Noyon recaptured by Allies, 242
- Officer, wounded, experiences of, 54
- Officers, young, splendid record of, 268
- Oil discovered in Derbyshire, 288
- Old Man of the Sea, 45
- Old-timer, the, 261
- Omen of 1908, 34
- On Earth—Peace, 16
- One up! 188
- On the Black List, 40
- Opera by English composer produced, 225
- Optimist, the, 170
- Order of British Empire, 233
- Orlando, Italian Statesman, 287
- Ostend
- Naval exploit at, 216
- Regained by Allies, 256
- O.T.C. and the Universities, 30
- Our Man, 266
- Our persevering officials, 157
- "Ourselves Alone," motto of Sinn Fein, 223
- Overweighted, 286
- Oxford, cadet battalions at, 254
- Pacificists
- Dilemma of, 210
- Impressed by Germany's lamentations, 70
- Paris
- Exodus to, 278
- Peace Conference at, 278
- Shelled by long-distance gun, 213
- Parliament
- Assembles, 280
- Dissolution of, 274
- Extension of life of, 105
- Houses of, Stars and Stripes and Union Jack fly over, 145
- Passchendaele Ridge stormed by British, 186
- Peace
- Signed, 290
- The children's, 17
- Penny Postage gone, 224
- Perfect Innocence, 175
- Péronne
- British enter, 145
- Fall of, 207
- Recovered by Allies, 248
- Persuading of Tino, the, 63
- Pétain, hero of Verdun, 266
- Piave, Italians cross the, 257
- Picture galleries, London, closed, 76