chestnut purée. Let this mixture become cold, add ½ the cream, freeze until nearly set, then stir in the Maraschino, cherries, and the remainder of the cream stiffly-whipped. Freeze until set, stirring frequently, then press into a fancy ice mould, cover, seal the edges with lard, wrap in paper, and bury in ice and salt until required.
Time.—About 3½ hours. Average Cost, 3s. 6d. to 4s. Sufficient for 9 or 10 persons.
2248.—NOYEAU SORBET. (Fr.—Sorbet au Noyeau.)
Ingredients.—1 quart of half-frozen lemon water ice No. 2225, 1 gill of noyeau, the juice of 1 orange, whipped-cream, castor sugar.
Method.—Prepare and half-freeze the lemon water ice, then add the noyeau and orange-juice, and continue the freezing until the proper degree of hardness is obtained. Three-parts fill the sorbet glasses or cups with the preparation, and cover roughly with sweetened stiffly-whipped cream.
Time.—15 minutes after the water ice is ready. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. to 2s. 9d. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons.
2249.—PINEAPPLE MOUSSE. (Fr.—Mousse à l'Ananas.)
Ingredients.—10 ozs. of preserved pineapple, 2 ozs. of castor sugar, ¾ of an oz. of gelatine, ½ a gill of pineapple syrup, 1½ gills of cream, ¼ of a gill of Maraschino, 1½ gills of lemon or wine jelly No. 2020, glacé cherries.
Method.—Mask the jelly mould with a thin layer of jelly, and decorate with the cherries. Pound and chop the pineapple finely, and rub it through a hair sieve. Dissolve the sugar and gelatine in the pineapple syrup, and let the mixture cool. Melt the remainder of the jelly; let it cool, and whisk it over the ice to a stiff froth. Add this and the stiffly-whipped cream to the pineapple purée, stir in the gelatine when cool, add the Maraschino, and pour into the prepared mould. Let it remain on ice for 2 hours.
Time.—About 1½ hours. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.
2250.—RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY SORBET. (Fr.—Sorbet aux Fraises ou Framboises.)
Ingredients.—1 quart of raspberry or strawberry water ice preparation, No. 2229, ½ a gill of Sauterne, 1 glass of Curaçoa.
Method.—Prepare and half-freeze the water ice, add the wine and Curaçoa, continue the freezing until the proper degree is obtained, then serve.