Time.—15 minutes after the water ice is ready. Average Cost, 2s. to 2s. 6d. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons.
2251.—ROMAN PUNCH. (Fr.—Punch à la Romaine.)
Ingredients.—1 lb. of loaf sugar, 1 quart of water, 6 lemons, 2 oranges, 3 whites of eggs, ¼ of a pint of rum or Kirschwasser.
Method.—Place the water and sugar in a copper sugar boiler or stewpan, and boil to a syrup. Add the thinly-cut rind of 3 lemons and 1 orange, the orange and lemon-juice, and bring to the boil. When cold, strain, partially freeze, then add the rum or Kirschwasser, the stiffly-whipped whites of eggs, and freeze for a few minutes longer. Serve in a half-frozen condition in sorbet cups or glasses.
Time.—From 1¼ to 1½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 9d. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons.
2252.—STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY SOUFFLÉ ICED. (Fr.—Soufflé Frapé aux Fraises ou Framboises.)
Ingredients.—½ a gill of strawberry or raspberry pulp, ½ a pint of cream, 8 ozs. of castor sugar, ½ an oz. of leaf gelatine, 2 lemons, 3 yolks of eggs, 2 whites of eggs, ¼ of a gill of lemon or wine jelly, ¼ of a gill of red-currant jelly.
Method.—Add the sugar, the juice and finely-grated rinds of the lemons to the yolks of eggs, and whisk over a saucepan of boiling water until the mixture thickens. Add the gelatine, previously dissolved in 1 tablespoonful of water, and the fruit pulp, let the mixture cool, then stir in the well-whisked whites of eggs and the stiffly-whipped cream. Have ready a silver plated soufflé dish with a band of strong white paper raised about 2 inches above the rim, pour in the mixture, and let it stand on ice for about 2 hours. Melt the wine and red-currant jellies, let them cool, and as soon as the surface of the soufflé is firm pour it over. To serve: remove the band of paper, and send to table in the soufflé dish.
Time.—About 3 hours. Average Cost, 2s. to 2s. 3d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.