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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1727

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Method.—Remove all fat and skin from the meat, cut it into dice, and season lightly with salt and pepper. Heat ½ the butter in a sauté-pan or frying-pan, fry the onion slightly, add the meat and cook gently on the stove or in the oven from 10 to 15 minutes. Now sprinkle on the flour, add the wine, stock and caraway seeds, and continue to cook slowly. Heat the remaining butter, fry the bacon lightly, then add the prepared potatoes, and fry them until they acquire a deep golden-brown colour. Drain well, add to the contents of the sauté-pan, and cook gently until both meat and potatoes are done. Stir occasionally, but gently so as not to break the potatoes, and when ready season to taste, and serve.

Time.—½ an hour. Average Cost, 1s. 10d. Sufficient for 6 persons. Seasonable at any time.

3704.—KAHAB. (Fr.Sauté de Veau.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of fillet or neck of veal, 2 ozs. of butter, 1 very small onion thinly-sliced, ½ a lemon thinly-sliced, ½ a pint of sour cream, ¼ of a teaspoonful of caraway seeds, salt and pepper. For garnishing: slices of lemon and tufts of parsley.

Method.—Cut the meat free from skin and bone into pieces about 2 inches square and about ½ an inch in thickness. Heat the butter in a fireproof earthenware cooking pot, put in the meat, season to taste with salt and pepper, add the caraway seeds, sliced onion and lemon, and fry gently for 10 minutes. Now add the cream, cover closely, and cook gently in the oven for about ¾ of an hour, or until tender. Serve garnished with thin slices of lemon and tufts of parsley.

Time.—1 hour. Average Cost, 1s. 9d. to 1s. 11d. Sufficient for 5 persons. Seasonable at any time.

3705.—KAISERSUPPE. (Emperor Soup.)

Ingredients.—2½ pints of white stock, 1½ ozs. of butter, 1 oz. of rice, 2 tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, ¼ of a cabbage, 1 leek, 1 carrot, ½ a turnip, ½ an onion, ½ a teaspoonful of sugar, salt and pepper.

Method.—Prepare the vegetables, shred the cabbage coarsely, and cut the rest into dice. Heat the butter in a stewpan, fry the vegetables slowly for 15 or 20 minutes, but do not let them brown. Wash and drain the rice, add it to the contents of the stewpan, also add the sugar, and shake the stewpan over the fire until nearly all the butter is absorbed. Now add the stock, cover closely, and simmer gently for ½ an hour. Season to taste, sprinkle in the cheese, and serve. If preferred, the grated cheese may be handed round separately.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 1s. 9d. to 2s. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.