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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1728

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3706.—KALBSVOEGEL. (A Variety of Veal Olives.) (Fr.Olives de Veau.)

Ingredients.—1½ lbs. of lean veal, a few thin slices of streaky bacon, 1½ ozs. of butter, 1½ ozs. of flour, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 1 teaspoonful of finely-grated lemon-rind, 1 gill of white stock, ½ a gill of white wine, meat glaze, mashed potato, salt and pepper.

Method.—Cut the meat across the grain into thin slices, flatten them with a cutlet-bat, and sprinkle liberally with salt, pepper and lemon-rind. Place a thin slice of bacon on each piece of meat, roll up tightly and secure with twine. Heat the butter in a sauté-pan, fry the rolls until their entire surface is lightly browned, then remove them from the pan. Stir in the flour, fry until lightly browned, add the wine, stock, parsley, and the remaining lemon-rind, and boil up. Replace the meat in the pan, cover, and simmer gently for 20 minutes. When ready remove the strings, arrange the rolls on a bed of mashed potato, add the meat glaze to the sauce, boil up, and then strain over and round the meat.

Time.—1¼ hours. Average Cost, 2s. to 2s. 3d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.

3707.—KÄSEGEBÄCK. (Hot Cheese Fritters.) (Fr.Beignets de Fromage.)

Ingredients.—¼ of a lb. of Gruyère cheese, ¼ of a lb. of choux paste (see p. 882), Nepaul pepper or cayenne, salt, egg and breadcrumbs, frying-fat.

Method.—Cut the cheese into slices about ¼ of an inch thick, and stamp them in round or oval shaped pieces. Coat one side of each piece of cheese rather thickly with choux paste, and smooth the surface with a knife. Season the breadcrumbs liberally with salt and Nepaul pepper or cayenne, coat each prepared slice of cheese carefully with egg and breadcrumbs, and as soon as the coating is dry repeat the process. Fry in hot fat, drain well, and serve as a savoury.

Time.—40 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.

3708.—NUDELSUPPE. (Ribbon Macaroni Soup.)

Ingredients.—1 quart of good clear brown stock, 4 ozs. of flour, 2 yolks of eggs.

Method.—Add a pinch of salt to the flour, mix into a stiff paste with the yolks of eggs, and knead thoroughly for not less than 15 minutes. Put the paste aside for ½ an hour, then roll it out as thinly as possible, divide into oblong pieces, place these on the top of each other, and cut into strips like matches. Shake well to separate the strips, spread them on white paper, and let them remain until dry. Have ready the stock boiling, strained, and free from fat, drop in the nudels a