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Page Anchovy and Egg Fingers 1191 Anchovy„ and„ Egg„ Sandwiches 1113 Anchovy„ and„ Haddock Sandwiches 1114 Biscuits, Royal 1191 Butter 1114, 1296 Croûtes, Indian Style 1192 D'Artois 1191 Eclairs 1192 Eggs 1192 Fingers 1193 Ketchup 1179 Rissolettes 1193 Salad 1093 Sauce 253, 254 Tartlets 1194 Toast 1195 Ancient Lights 1988 Andrew’s Gingerbread 1459 Angel Pudding 918 Angelica 1642 Angels on Horseback 1195 - Animals.
Domestic,Law regarding 1934 Flesh of 130 Health of 130 Killing of, while Trespassing 1935 Poisoning of 1935 Straying 1935 Tails of 530 Tongue of 531 Treatment before Slaughtering 130 Trespass by 1935 Wild, Law relating to 1934 Anise Liqueur 1496 Anodyne Lotion 1889 Anti-Freckle Lotion 1805 Apfel Torte 1537 Apoplexy 1869 Appendicitis 1846 Appetite, Failure of Homœopathic Treatment 1928 Apple, The 182,891 Amber 890 Amber„ Pudding 918 and Blackberry Jam 1131 and„ Cucumber Salad 1094 and„ Quince Marmalade 1155 Charlotte 919, 920 Cheesecakes 891 Chutney 1161 Compote 797, 1015 Constituents of the 921 Crab, Jelly 993 Cup 1477 Custard 1015 Dumplings 920 Fool 1015 Fritters 979 Frost with Cream 1016 Ginger 1131, 1132 Hedgehog 1016 Jam 1132 Jelly. 990, 1133 Marmalade 1133 Pudding, Baked 921 Pudding„ Boiled 922 Sauce 261 sauce„ Chantilly 262 Snow 924, 1016, 1017 Snowballs 923 Apple Soufflé, Rice and 975 Soup 182 Tart 891 Tart„ Creamed 891 Tart„ German 1537 Tea, for Invalids 1375 Thorn 1875 Trifle 1017 Turnover 892 Uses of the 20 Water, for Invalids 1375 water„ Ice 1056 water„ (tinned) 797 Wine 1477 Apples and Cream 1018 and Rice 922 and Sago 923 Baked 918 Chartreuse of 1005 Compote of, with Cream 1025 Flan of 899 for Dessert 1068 Glazed 1029 in Quarters, to preserve 1133 in„ Red Jelly 1018 Lexington Style 921 Miroton of, French style 1530 To Preserve 922 with Custard Sauce 923 Apricot Bouchées 892 Compote 1018 Cream 1002 Fritters 974 Iced Eggs 1040 Jam 1134, 1584 Jelly 990, 1131 Marmalade 1134 Mould 1018, 1580 Pudding, Baked 924 Sauce 261 Soufflé 972 Tart 892 Trifle 1019 Wine 1477, 1478 Apricots and Rice 1580 Cultivation of 892 for Dessert 1068 To Dry 1134, 1615 - Aquafortis (see Nitric Acid).
Areca-Nut Tooth Powder 1806 Arm, To put in a Sling 1891 Armorial Bearings, Duty Payable on 1969 Arnica 1893 Arnica Lotion 1889 Aromatic Vinegar 1806 Arrack 1496 Arrack„ Liqueur 1496 Arrowroot and Black Currant Tea 1376 Biscuits 1413 Blancmange 1019 Drops 1413 for Invalids 1376 Liaison 213 Preparation of 261 Pudding, Baked 925 Pudding,„ Steamed 925 Sauce 261,262 Soufflé, for Invalids 1373 Arsenic 1875 Artichoke and Tomato Salad 1108 Artichoke, Constituent properties of the 813 Salad 1094, 1323 Soup 183 The Jerusalem 815 The Jerusalem„ uses of 814 Artichokes, Alla Milanaise 1552 Boiled 812 French Method of Cooking 813 Fried 813 Globe, V.R. 1326 Jerusalem, Boiled 814 Jerusalem,„ fried 814, 815 Jerusalem,„ mashed 815 Jerusalem,„ with white sauce 815 Pickled 1162 with Mushroom Sauce 814 Articles of Food, English and French Names 1673 Ashpits, Regulation as to 1994 Asparagus 199 Alla Casalinga 1552 and Cauliflower Salad 1094 au Gratin 1521 Boiled 815 French Style 816 Indian Style 817 Medicinal Uses 817 Points or Peas 817 Pudding 817 Purée of 195, 196 Rolls 818 Salad 1094 Sauce 219 Soufleé, V.R. 1323 Vinaigrette Sauce 234 Where Found 816 With Eggs 816 Aspic Cream 236 Aspic„ Jelly 91 Aspic„ Jelly„ from Calves' Feet 991 Aspic„ Jelly„ from Gelatine 991 Mayonnaise 1094 Tomato 280 Asses’ Milk 1287,1288 - Assessment Appeals (see House Duty, Income Tax, Land Tax).
- Assignment (see Landlord and Tenant).
Asthma 1847 Asthma„ Homœopathic Treatment of 1928 At Home Teas, General Observations 1691 At„ Home„ Teas„ Weekly 1692 Atmosphere, in the sick-Room 1881 Attar of Roses 1805 Aubergnie, Al Forno 1552 Aunt Betsy's Cake 1423 Auntie's Cakes 1423 Aurora Sauce 254 - Australian Cookery
General Observations 1579 Apricot Jam 1580 Apricot„ Mould 1580 Apricots and Rice 1580 Choko, To Boil 1581 Cod Steaks 1581