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Page Bishop 1504 Bites, Treatment 1877–8 Black Butter, Eggs with 1237, 1312 Black„ Butter,„ Sauce 273 Black-Cap Pudding 929 Black Cherry Sauce 1541 Black Currant Jam 1136 Black Currant„ Jelly 1136 Black Currant„ Liqueur 1496 Black Currant„ Tartlets 894 Black Currant„ Tea 1377 Black Currant„ Wine 1481 Black Reviver for Cloth 1810 Black Spanish Fowl 704 Blackberry and Apple Jam 1131 Blackberry„ Jam 1135 Blackberry„ Syrup 1478 Blackbird Pie 735 Black-Cock, The 735, 736 Fillets, à la Financière 735 Grilled 736 Roasted 736 To Carve 1271 Blackheads 1862 Blacking, Harness 1796 Japan, for Boots 1801 To Make 1801 Blanching 1646 Blancmange 1021 Arrow-root 1019 Banana 1019 Carrageen 1374 Cornflour 1025 Fruit 1028 Ground Rice 1030 Irish Moss 1374 Isinglass 1031 Lemon 1032 Quince 1037 Rice 1038 Vanilla 1043 - Bleeding (see Hæmorrhage)
Blister, to Apply a 1890 Bloater Fritters 1226 Sandwiches 1114 Toast 1195 Bloaters 1226 Broiled 305 Fillets of 1238 Yarmouth 339 Blonde Sauce 222 Blood Liaison 213 Blue, Ball or Stone 1819 Blue Rocket 1874 Blue Veiny Dorset Cheese 1293 Blueberries, Pickled 1162 Bluefish, Baked 1615 Bluefish„ To Cook 1615 Boards, to Remove Stains from 1813 Boards,„ to Scour 1813 Boar's Head, Importance of 648 Boar's„ Head,„ Sauce 273 Bohotee 1589 Bodies, Foreign, in Nose, etc 1872 Boiler or Boiling Pot 58 Boiling, Method of 114 Boiling of Meat 408 Boiling-point of Fats and Oils 411 Boils 1862 Boils, Homœopathic Treatment 1928 Bologna Sausages, Imitation 362 Bombe, Chocolate, with Fruit 1047 Bon-Bons, Maraschino Cream 1085 Bon-Bons,„ Raspberry Cream 1088 Bone Soup 205 Bone Stock 138 Bones, Devilled, Sauce for 241 Marrow 524 Marrow„ Composition of 523 Boot Polish 1801 Boots, Brown, to Polish 1801 Boots,„ Patent Leather, to Clean 1800 Boots,„ to Clean 1800 Boots,„ Varnish for 1811 Boot-Tops, Wash for 1802 Boracic Fomentations 1888 Borax 1893 Bordelaise Sauce 236 Border Mould 70 Border of Figs with Cream 1021 Border„ of Fruit 1021 Border„ of Prunes with Cream 1022 Borecole, Cultivation of 824 Boroglyceride Fomentations 1888 Boston Breakfast Cakes 1424 Boston„ Cup Pudding 1022 Bottle-Jack, The 62 Bottled Currants 1139 Damsons 1140 Fruits 780 Gooseberries 1143 Soups 780 Vegetables 780 Bottles, to Clean 1791 Bouchées, Apricot 892 Bouchées,„ Caviare 1196 Bouillabaisse 200, 201 Bouillon 142 Bouquet Garni 137, 1638, 1646 - Brain.
Concussion of the 1870 Duster 1510 Fritters 1227 Sauce for Sheep's Head 237 Toast 1539 Brains, Sheep's, With Matelot Sauce 610 Brains,„ Sheep's,„ with Parsley Sauce 609 Braising Pan, The 58 Bran Poultice 1885 Bran„ Tea 1377 Brandy and Egg 1377, 1378 Cherry 1480 Ginger 1484 Jelly 992 Lemon 266 Mint Julep 1510 Orange 1490 Pudding 930 Raspberry 1492 Sauce 262 Brass, to Clean 1817 Brawn Presser 65 Brawn„ Tin 65 Brawn, to Make 659 - Bread
Aërated 1306 Almond 1384 American 1408 and Butter Fritters 980 and Butter Pudding 931 and Water Poultice 1886 Baking Powder 1409 Brown 1390 Brown, and Chestnut Pudding 932 Brown, Cream 1003 Brown, Cream Ice 1045 Brown, Pudding 931,932 Crumbs, Brown 1646 Crumbs,„ Fried 1647 Crumbs,„ White 1646 Cutlets, V.R. 1325 Daily Consumption 1393 Dumplings 1500 Fritters 980 General Observations on 1388–1407 Graham 1396, 1621 Griddle 1621 Home-made 1409 Indian Comflour 1410 Machine-made 1396 Malted Brown 1410 Milk 1411 New 1394 Oven for Baking 1401 Potato 857 Poultice 1885, 1886 Pudding 930 Puddings, Queen of 962 Recipes for Making 1408–1464 Rice 1411 Rye 1626 Sauce 221 Soup 183 Tea 1411 To Keep 1403 Unfermented 1412 Use of 183 Wholemeal 1390 Wholemeal„ Fermented 1412 Wholemeal„ Unfermented 1413 Breads, Mixed 1397 - Breakfast.
Cakes 1424 Dishes 1224–1257 Dishes„ General Observations 1678 General Observations 1678 Hunting 1242 - Menu for Large Party—
Summer 1722 Winter 1722 Menu for„ Wedding: Summer 1723 Menu for„ Winter 1723 Service of 1679 Wedding, Decorations for 1697 Breakfasts, Family, Economical, for a Week 1720 Breakfasts,„ for a Week—Summer 1720 Breakfasts,„ Winter 1720 Breakfasts,„ General Observations 1678 Menus for Simple—Summer 1721