on a potato border, pour the sauce (which must be thick enough to coat the cutlets) over them, and serve the tomato or apple sauce separately.
Time.—To fry the chops, from 15 to 20 minutes. Average Cost, 10d. per lb. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons.
1102.—PORK CUTLETS, GRILLED. (Fr.—Côtelettes de Porc grillées aux Cornichons.)
Ingredients.—7 or 8 lean cutlets cut from the best end of the neck, 2½ ozs. of butter, 1 oz. of flour, ½ a pint of gravy or stock, 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped gherkins, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, salt and pepper.
Method.—Trim off nearly all the fat, and make the cutlets a good uniform shape. Season both sides of them with salt and pepper, dip them in warm butter, coat carefully with breadcrumbs, and grill over a clear fire for 20 minutes, turning them 3 or 4 times. Pour the remainder of the butter into a small stewpan, add the flour, stir over the fire for 2 or 3 minutes, put in the gravy and vinegar, boil up, season to taste, and add the gherkins. Arrange the cutlets in a close circle on a hot dish, pour the sauce round, and serve.
Time.—20 minutes, to grill the cutlets. Average Cost, 10d. per lb. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.
1103.—PORK CUTLETS WITH ROBERT SAUCE. (Fr.—Côtelettes de Porc à la Robert.)
Ingredients.—8 or 9 cutlets from the best end of the neck, ½ a pint of Robert sauce (see No. 272). For the marinade or brine: 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of salad-oil, ½ teaspoonful of vinegar, ½ a teaspoonful of powdered sage, salt and pepper.
Method.—Trim the cutlets neatly, leaving about ½ an inch of fat round each one. Place them on a dish, pour over the marinade, and let them remain in it for 1 hour, turning them frequently. Drain well, and broil over a clear fire for about 20 minutes. Or, if preferred, fry the cutlets in a little hot butter, in a sauté-pan. Arrange them in a close circle on a hot dish, pour the Robert sauce round, and serve.
Time.—To cook, about 20 minutes. Average Cost, 10d. per lb. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.
1104.—PORK CUTLETS WITH SOUBISE SAUCE. (Fr.—Côtelettes de Porc à la Soubise.)
Ingredients.—8 or 9 cutlets from the best end of the neck, ½ a pint of thick Soubise sauce, ⅓ of a pint of demi-glace sauce (see No. 242), marinade as in preceding recipe, salt and pepper.
Method.—Prepare and marinade the cutlets as directed in the pre-