ceding recipe, and either grill them from 15 to 18 minutes over a clear fire, or fry them for the same length of time in hot butter, in a sauté- or frying-pan. Dish them in a circle, serve the Soubise sauce in the centre, and pour the demi-glace sauce round the base of the dish.
Time.—To fry or grill, about 20 minutes. Average Cost, 10d. per lb. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.
1105.—PORK CUTLETS, OR CHOPS. (Fr.—Côtelettes de Porc grillées aux Tomates.)
Ingredients.—2½ lb. of loin or neck of pork, ½ a pint of tomato sauce (see No. 281), salad-oil or oiled butter, salt and pepper.
Method.—Remove the greater part of the fat, divide the meat into cutlets, and trim them into a good shape. Brush over with salad-oil or butter, sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper, and grill the cutlets over a clear fire for about 15 minutes, turning them 3 or 4 times. Arrange neatly on a hot dish, pour the hot sauce round, and serve.
Time.—To grill the cutlets, about 20 minutes. Average Cost, 10d. per lb. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.
1106.—PORK CUTLETS, OR CHOPS. (Fr.—Côtelettes de Porc Panées.)
Ingredients.—2½ lb. of loin or neck of pork, 1½ ozs. of butter, 1 teaspoonful of powdered sage, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, tomato sauce No 281 or piquante sauce 265.
Method.—Remove nearly all the fat from the cutlets, and trim them into shape. Beat the egg, add to it the sage and a liberal seasoning of salt and pepper, dip each cutlet in the mixture, and coat carefully with breadcrumbs. Heat the butter in a sauté-pan and fry the cutlets gently for about 20 minutes, turning them frequently. Arrange on a border of mashed potato, pour the sauce round, and serve.
Time.—About 20 minutes to cook the cutlets. Average Cost, 10d. per lb. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.
1107.—PORK CUTLETS, HASH OF. (Fr.—Hachis de Porc.)
Ingredients.—The remains of cold loin of pork; to 6 or 7 cutlets allow 1 medium-sized Spanish onion coarsely-chopped, 1 oz. of butter, 1 dessertspoonful of flour, 1 teaspoonful of made mustard, ⅓ of a pint of good gravy, salt and pepper.
Method.—Divide the loin into neat cutlets, and trim away the greater part of fat. Melt the butter in a sauté- or frying pan, put in the cutlets, fry them until both sides are lightly browned, then remove and keep hot. Add the onions to the butter in the pan, fry until they acquire a good brown colour, sprinkle in the flour, season with salt