1186.—CHICKEN, RAMAKINS OF. (Fr.—Soufflés de Volaille en Caisses.)
Ingredients.—6 ozs. of raw chicken, ¼ of a pint of cream, 4 yolks of eggs, 2 whites of eggs, ½ an oz. of butter, 2 mushrooms, 1 truffle, salt and pepper.
Method.—Shred the chicken meat finely, or pass it through a mincing machine, then pound it well in the mortar, adding by degrees the yolks of 4 eggs, season well, and rub through a fine wire sieve. Whip the cream slightly, and whisk the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, and then add with the mushrooms and truffle cut into small dice, to the chicken purée. Mix lightly together, and put the mixture into 8 well-buttered china or paper ramakin cases. The cases should not be more than three parts filled, as the mixture rises considerably in baking. Place the cases on a baking-sheet and cook them in a moderate oven for about 20 minutes. Serve in the cases, and, if liked, send hot Béchamel or other suitable sauce to table in a sauce-boat.
Time.—To bake, from 18 to 20 minutes. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. Sufficient for 8 cases.
The Fowl House.—In constructing a fowl house, care should be taken to build it against a wall or fence facing the south, or in one corner, so that the garden or fence forms two of the sides. The corner should if possible face south or south-east, thus sheltering the fowls from cold-winds, and driving rains or sleet. The side and end of the fowl house should be built of sound weather boarding, and the roof of the same material with a good fall, so that the rain may run off quickly. The door with a slide should be placed in the corner of the house furthest away from the corner leading into the fowl run. The floor of the house should slope half an inch to the foot from back to front, to ensure good drainage. If practicable, it should be made of concrete, to keep away rats or other vermin. Failing this material a good floor may be formed of chalk and dry soil, mixed together and well rammed down. Upon this some three inches of dry ashes should be sifted, and kept regularly raked. The perches should be of good size and rounded, arranged like steps, not placed one above the other—the ends falling into sockets, so that they may be easily taken out and cleaned. Convenient slips of wood should be driven into the wall, to render access to the perches as easy as possible. Ventilation, which is essential to the health of fowls, should be at the top of the house, and the amount of air admitted regulated by a sliding door; light is also important for the birds; one or two small panes of glass should therefore be let into the house front on the sunny side.
See "Fowl, Hashed," Recipe No. 1224.
1188.—CHICKEN, RISSOLES OR RISSOLETTES OF. (Fr.—Rissolettes de Volaille.)
Ingredients.—About 4 ozs. of cooked chicken, 2 ozs. of cooked ham or tongue, 4 button mushrooms, 1 small truffle, ½ an oz. of butter, ½ an oz. of flour, ¼ of a pint of white stock, 1 tablespoonful of cream, salt and pepper, egg, breadcrumbs, frying-fat, rough puff paste.
Method.—Chop the chicken and ham finely, cut the mushrooms and truffle into small dice. Melt the butter in a stewpan, stir in the flour, add the stock, stir and boil well. Put in the chicken and ham, season to taste, mix the ingredients well over the fire, then add the mushrooms, truffle and cream, and put aside to cool. Roll out the