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paste as thinly as possible—stamp it out into rounds of about 2 inches diameter, pile a teaspoonful of the preparation in the centre, wet the edges with water, place another round of paste on the top, and press the edges together neatly. Brush over with egg and cover with breadcrumbs, and fry until lightly browned in hot fat. If preferred, half the quantity of the meat mixture may be enclosed in 1 round of paste, one half of which must be folded over to form them into half-moon shapes; variety may be introduced by substituting crushed vermicelli for the breadcrumbs.

Time.—Altogether, 1½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. to 1s. 3d. Sufficient for 8 to 12 rissoles, according to the size made.

1189.—CHICKEN, ROASTED. (Fr.Poulet Rôti.)

Ingredients.—1 good chicken, 2 or 3 slices of bacon, ½ a pint of stock, fat for basting, salt and pepper, bread sauce (see Sauces, No. 180), a few drops of liquid caramel, watercress.

Method.—Truss the chicken for roasting, prick the entire surface of the breast with the point of a metal skewer or trussing needle, skewer over it the slices of bacon, baste well with hot fat, and roast before a clear fire or in a moderate oven for about 1 hour. Baste frequently, and a few minutes before serving remove the bacon for the breast to brown. Meanwhile simmer the neck (and the liver and gizzard when not trussed in the wings) in the stock. When the chicken is sufficiently cooked remove it to a dish, drain off every particle of fat, taking care not to disturb the sediment, pour in the stock, boil for 2 or 3 minutes, season and colour to taste, and strain into a sauceboat. Have ready the watercress well washed, drained, and season lightly with salt and pepper, and use as garnish. Serve both gravy and bread sauce separately.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 3s. 6d. to 4s. Sufficient from 4 to 6 persons.

Note.—The pricking of the breast is not essential, but some cooks prefer this way.

1190.—CHICKEN, ROASTED, FRENCH STYLE. (Fr.Poulet Rôti à la Française.)

Ingredients.—1 chicken, 1 oz. of butter, 1½ gills of stock. For the mirepoix, or foundation: 1 small onion, 1 carrot, 2 or 3 slices of bacon, salt and pepper, bread sauce (see Sauces No. 180), watercress for garnish.

Method.—Draw the chicken, wash the liver and heart, and put them aside; cut off the legs just below the first joint, truss for roasting, and spread the butter thickly over the breast. Slice the vegetables, put them into a baking-tin with the bacon, and the liver and heart of the chicken, fry these a little, then place the chicken on the top of the