Page:My boy Tammy.pdf/5

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While I sit hurklen in the ase,
I'll have a new cloak about me.

Goodman, I wate 'tis thirty years
Since we did ane anither ken;
And we have had between us twa,
Of lads and bonny lasses ten:
Now they are women grown and men,
I wish and pray well may they be;
And if you'd prove a good husband,
E'en tak your auld cloak about ye.

Bell my wife, she loves na strife,
But she would guide me if she can;
And to maintain an easy life
I aft maun yield though I'm goodman.
Nought's to be won at woman's hand,
Unless ye give her a' the plea;
Then I'll leave aff where I began,
And tak my auld cloak about me.


When the earth was unformed and totally void,
And the depth of the deluge no man can impede:
On the face of the water the Spirit of Might

Did move the creation, but he first formed light.