Page:My boy Tammy.pdf/6

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With the emblems celestial, the Compass & Square
He brought to a level, and form'd all things fair;
With one leg in the centre, while the other mov'd round
Betwixt Pison and Gihon, saying here is thy bonds.

The first was the firmament nam'd in the text,
With a circle inclosed to the utmost complete,
Dividing the waters both firm and sure,
With all the elements transparent and pure.
There's nothing confused that we can behold,
But all things in good order, and shining like gold.
On the mighty waves he formed a plan,
The elements pure, that are useful to man.

With a palace of light glistering like gold,
Which moves in due season to the eastward to rule;
And the second made orb was to borrow her light,
She was called bright luna that rules the long night
There is Saturn and Jupiter, Mercury and Mars,
And Venus the brightest of the five wand'ring stars,
There is seven bright plannets rules over the land.
Upon heaven’s high road, which is useful to man.

He gathered the waters, and the earth appeared dry,
He reared the mountains with their tops to the sky,
When the earth was formed, there sprang forth fine flowers,
When word gave command, there descended fine showers.
To the eastward of Eden he formed a plan,

The pride of the globe, and a lodge to make man.