Page:My boy Tammy.pdf/7

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To the hills of Levanna the word did advance,
And fourth sprung tall cedars and formed a dance.

He fill'd the clear waters with fish by the span,
And caused feather'd fowls to fly over the land.
The largest of fishes that was made under heaven,
Was the great hungry whale that was Jonah's prison
The plume feather'd songsters that rose from their prey
Upon green willow branches they sung the fifth day,
And when that bright Phœbas inclines to the deep,
It was our charming sweet nightingale sung them asleep.

And pregnant Preumphna, that great mother earth,
She fetched her youngsters by two at a birth;
The cattle the pasture, the beasts in the fields,
Come forth all by couples their young ones to yield.
The Lion, the tiger the panther and ounce,
Sprung out from her bowels all truth to pronounce.
All nature was finished, by sea and by land,
But the chiefest creation was the making of man.

A lodge was prepared, deny it who can,
The word was spoke pure, come let us make Man;
We will form his image of the earthly mould
Since he breathes from the breath of a great living soul.
For to know his Creator that formed this plan,

We will give him the secret as soon as he’s man,