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280 INDEX Mith Japan {18H-95), 226; responsible for defeat, 229; Treaty of Shemonasbiki signed, 244. Li Jen Shu, mathematician, 76. Li Ling Ying, eunuch of Dowager Empress, 235. Li Sian Lan, mathematician and astronomer, 139; assists in translating Integral and Dif- ferential Calculus, 139. " Linonia," debating society at Yale, 40; see also "Brothers in Unity." Liu * * *, Imperial commis- sioner for settlement of Tien- tsin massacre, 179. Liu Kai Sing, superintendent of preparatory school at Shang- hai, 185. Liu Kwan Yih, viceroy of Kiang provinces, 231, 232. Lockhart, Dr. William, 8. London, Ladies' Association for Promotion of Female Educa- tion in India and the East, 1. London Missionary Society, 8, 14, 108, 114, 139. Longwood, St. Helena, 22. Macao, coolie traffic in, 192, 194; also 1, 3, 10, 11, 12, 14, 33, 48, 59, 107. Macassar straits, 46, 47. MacClatchy, Rev. Mr., 8. McClean, Dr. A. S. of Spring- field, Mass., friendliness to- ward Yung Wing, 28, 189, McClean, Mrs. Rebekah (Brown), 28, 189. Machinery, American, intro- duced into China, 149; loca- tion of first shop, 153; Yung Wing commissioned to pur- chase, 154; first order filled at Fitchburg, Mass. (1865), 156. Macy, William Allen, assistant in Morrison school (18Jf5), 16, 43; personal qualifications, 17; student at Yale (1850), 17; appointed missionary by American Board (185^), 17; returns to China in company of Yung Wing, 18, 43; story of voyage, 43. Malacca, basis of Dr. Robert Morrison's labors, 14. " Man of rectitude," posthu- mous title of Tsang Kwoh Fan, 148. Manchu Dynasty, largely re- sponsible for Taiping rebel- lion, 114; efforts of Hung Siu Chung toward overthrow, 120; also 96. Mandarin, nine degrees of, 263; see also Rank. Medhurst, Dr. Walter Henry, work on dictionary, 114. Mexican dollar accepted in China, 63. Missionaries, introduction of Christianity by, 114. Missionary, First, to China, 14, 114. Monson academy, Mass., con- tingent fund and conditions of appropriation, 34; Yung Wing's application for, 35; also 27, 48. Morrison, Dr. Robert, first mis- sionary to China, 14, 114; voy- age from London via New York, 14; compiles first Anglo-Saxon dictionary, 14; translates the Bible, 14; his first Christian convert, 15; in- fluence on subsequent mis- sionary work, 15. " Morrison hill," Hong Kong, 15. Morrison school, opened at Macao (1839), 13; removed to Hong Kong (1842), 15; W. A. Macv assistant in, 16; also 7, 11, 12, 23, 33. Mow Chung Hsi, Imperial commissioner for settlement of Tsientsin massacre, 179. Nagasaki, Japan, 77. Nam Ping, birth-place of Yung Wing, 1. Nan Cheong, capital of Kiangsi, 87. Nan Fung pass, 87,