Nanking, fall in 1864, 115; captured by Viceroy Tsang Kwoh Fan (1865), 164; also 96.
Napoleon, tomb at St. Helena, 92.
National Bank of China, project and defeat, 234.
National Banking scheme, proposed by Yung Wing, 232.
New England, primitive conditions of life in, 29; influence on Chinese students, 202.
New York City, in 1847, 23; Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, 24.
Ngan Khing, capital of An Whui, 137.
Nienfi rebellion, ended (1867), 168.
Nih Kia Shi, tea district, 90, 91.
Northrop, B. G., commissioner of education for Connecticut (1872), 189.
Norton, Prof. William Augustus, of Sheffield Scientific School, 42.
Occidental civilization, Superiority of, demonstrated, 216.
Olyphant Brothers, contribute toward support of Yung Wing at Yale, 39; also 20, 43.
Opium war, First (1840), 8, 15; Second (1864), 7.
Ou Ngoh Liang, member of Chinese Educational Commission, 197, 200.
Oyama, Marshal, 242.
Palmer and New London railroad, 37.
Parker, Dr. Peter, 58, 59.
Parkes, The Misses, 7, 8.
Parkes, Harry, 7.
Parsons on Contracts, parts translated by Yung Wing, 167.
Partitionment of China threatened, 73.
Peacock's feather, conferred only by Imperial sanction, 154; given to Yung Wing, 167; see also Rank.
Pearl River, Canton, 52.
Pedro Island, 1, 6.
Peking, Paying official calls in (1882), 219; also 58.
Perit, Pelatiah, of Messrs. Goodhue and Co., 42.
Persecution resorted to by Chinese government to quell religious fanaticism, 118.
Peru, Coolie labor in, 192.
Po Yang Lake, Kiangsi, 86.
Poppy cultivation, early plan for extinction, 220.
Population in interior of China, 93.
Porter, Noah, president of Yale, protest against breaking up of Chinese Educational Commission, 211.
Putnam Machine Company, Fitchburg, Mass., execute first order for machinery for China, 156; see also Machinery.
Railroad between Tsientsin and Chinkiang, unsuccessful plan for, 237.
Rank, Second in, Red Button grade, 272; third in, Blue Button grade, 271; see also Mandarin; Peacock's feather.
Rebellions, significance in Chinese history, 113; see also Kwang Tung rebellion; Tai-ping rebellion.
"Red Hair Men," 9.
Revolutions, see Rebellions.
Rights of Chinese, to be more fully recognized in future, 73.
Ritchie, A. A., 20.
Road, Macadamized, between Sheong Shan and Yuh-Shan, 83, 84.
Roberts, Rev. Icabod J., American missionary, 114; acquaintance with Hung Siu Chune and its results, 115; disap-