pearance at fall of Nanking (1864), 115; also 107.
Roman Catholic Church, its part in Tsientsin massacre, 177.
Russell and Co., Messrs., 155.
St. Helena, 21, 22.
San Kow, village, 127.
Sandlotism, Spirit of, 208.
Sandy Hook to Hong Kong in 1854, 18.
Savannah, Ga., Ladies' Association of, render financial assistance to Yung Wing, 36.
School, Mechanical, annexed to Kiang Nan Arsenal, 168.
School, Preparatory, established at Shanghai (1871), 185; see also Chinese Educational Commission; Gutzlaff, Mrs.; Morrison school.
Seal of official rank offered to Yung Wing by Kan Wong, 110.
Seelye, Leuranus Clarke, president of Smith College, protest against breaking up of Chinese Educational Commission, 211.
"Seven Dragons," on Tsien-tang River, 85.
Shan Hing, city, 94.
Shanghai, city, 51, 67.
Shanghai Mail, 76.
Sheffield Scientific School, 42.
Shemonashiki, Treaty of, 244.
Sheong Shan, city, 83.
Shing Sun Whei, head of Chinese Telegraphic Company, 235; responsible for defeat of National Banking project, 235.
Shing Taoti, see Shing Sun Whei.
Shortrede, Andrew, 20, 48, 59.
Si-Hoo, or West Lake, 80.
Siang Tan, city, overland transport trade with Canton, 87.
Silk, Yellow, 88, 90, 94.
Siu Tsai, degree, 50.
Soldiery and the people in time of war, 103.
Springfield, Mass., home of Dr. A. S. McClean, 28; Yung Wing's headquarters (1872), 29; center of location for students under Chinese Educational Commission, 189.
Students, in preparatory school, Shanghai, 185; first installment under Chinese Educational Commission leave for U.S. (1872), 188; distributed through New England, 189; last installment (1875), 197; see also Chinese Educational Commission; School.
Suchau, captured by Taiping rebels, 97; under martial law, 98.
Sung Dynasty, 81.
Sung-Kiang route to Suchau, 96.
Szechuen Road, Shanghai, 67.
Szechwan, province, 84.
Ta Tung, non-treaty port, 126.
Tael, value of Chinese, 128.
Taiping government, conditions under which Yung Wing would join, 109.
Taiping Green Tea Expedition (1860-'61), 191; see also Tea; Yung Wing.
Taiping rebellion (1850-'65), religion its vital force, 113; led by Hung Siu Chune, 117; Chinese government resorts to persecution to quell, 118; assumes political character, 118; real causes of, 119; false impressions concerning evangelization of China, 120; first victory, 120; causes of loss of prestige, 121; collapse, 122; indirect results, 122; cost and loss of life, 147; capture of Nanking (1850), 164; also 53, 55, 56; see also Taiping rebels.
Taiping rebels, capture of Woo Chang (1856), 91; and of Suchau, 97; condition of surrounding country, 100; their considerate conduct, 101;