Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/481

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177; God L thought to be, 176; probably parallel to Yacatecutli, 177

"Emerald Fowl," The, 186

Etzalqualiztli (When they eat Bean Food). Festival of Tlaloc, 77


Father and Mother Gods, Mexican, 103-104

Fire-god, Mexican, 95

Fish-gods, Peruvian, 306

Flood-myths, 122-123, 323-324

Food-gods, Mexican, 91

Foörstemann, Dr. And the Maya writing, 162, 163; on God L, 176

Fu Sang and America, 3


Gama, Antonio. His work on Mexican lore and antiquities, 58

Ghanan. Name given to God E by Brinton, 174

God A of Dr. Schellhas' system; a death-god, 172-173; thought to resemble the Aztec Xipe, 174

God B. Doubtless Quetzalcoatl, 173

God C. a god of the pole-star, 173

God D. a moon-god, probably Itzamna, 173

God E. a maize-god, similar to Centeotl, 174

God F. Resembles God A, 174

God G. a sun-god, 174

God H. 174

God K. Probably a god of the Quetzalcoatl group, 175-176

God L. Probably an earth-god, 176

God M. Probably a god of travelling merchants, 176-177

God N. Probably god of the "unlucky days," 177

God P. a frog-god, 177

Goddess I. A water-goddess, 175

Goddess O. Probably tutelar of married women, 177

Gods. Connection of, with war and the food-supply, 74; Nahua conception of the limited productivity of food and rain deities, 77; American myth rich in hero-gods, 237

Gomara, F. L. de. Work on Mexican lore, 58

Guachimines (Darklings). Inhabitants of the primeval earth in Peruvian myth, 301

Guamansuri. The first of mortals in Peruvian myth, 301

Guatemala. I. The state; the Maya of, 157-159. II. The city; the lost Popol Vuh found in, 207

Gucumatz (Serpent with Green Feathers). Kiche form of Quetzalcoatl, worshipped in Guatemala, 83, 167, 236; in the Kiche story of the creation, 209

Gwyneth, Owen, father of Madoc, 5


Hacavitz. I. The god assigned to Mahacutah in the Kiche story of the creation, 230; turned into stone, 231. II. Mountain at which the Kiche first saw the sun, 231

Hakluyt. His English Voyages, cited, 5

Hastu-huaraca. Chieftain of the Antahuayllas; defeated by Pachacutic, 284-285; joins with Pachacutic, 285

Henry VII. His patronage of early American explorers, 6

Hernandez, Father. And the goddess Ix chebel yax, 170

House of Bats. Abode of the bat-god, 171; mentioned in Popol Vuh myth, 226

House of Cold. In the Kiche Hades, 226

House of Darkness. Ruin at Aké, 186