Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/482

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House of Feathers. Toltec edifice, 15

House of Fire. In the Kiche Hades, 226

House of Gloom. In the Kiche Hades, 221, 225

House of Lances. In the Kiche Hades, 226

House of Tigers. In the Kiche Hades, 226

Hrdlicka, Dr. And Mexican cliff-dwellings, 24

Huacaquan. Mountain; in the myth of origin of the Canaris, 318

Huacas. Sacred objects of the Peruvians, 294

Huaina Ccapac (The Young Chief). Eleventh Inca, 7, 288-289; and the lake-goddess of Titicaca, 299

Huamantantac. Peruvian deity-responsible for the gathering of sea-birds, 296

Huanca. Peruvian race; allied against the Incas, 282, 285

Huancas. Agricultural fetishes of the Peruvians, 294

Huantay-sara. Idol representing the tutelary spirit of the maize plant, 295

Huarcans. The Inca Tupac and, 288

Huarco (The Gibbet). The valley of; the Inca Tupac and the natives of, 288

Huaris (Great Ones). Ancestors of the aristocrats of a tribe in Peru; reverence paid to, 296

Huarochiri. Village; in Coniraya myth, 323

Huascar, or Tupaccusi-huallpa (The Sun makes Joy). Son of the Inca Huaina Ccapac, 7; strives for the crown with Atauhuallpa, 289-290

Huasteca. Aboriginal Mexican race of Maya stock, 23, 147-148; probably represent early Maya efforts at colonisation, 147

Huatenay. River in Peru; runs through the Intipampa at Cuzco, 261

Huathiacuri. A hero, son of Paricaca; a myth of, 324-326

Huatulco. Place in Mexico; Toltecs at, 12

Huehuequauhtitlan. Place in Mexico; Quetzalcoatl at, 64

Huehueteotl (Oldest of Gods). A name of the Mexican fire-god, 95

Huehue Tlapallan (Very Old Tlapallan). In Toltec creation-myth, 119

Huehuetzin. Toltec chieftain; rebels against Acxitl, 18,19

Huemac II. Toltec king, 15, 16; abdicates, 17; opposes Huehuetzin, 19

Huexotzinco. Mexican city, 48, 49

Huexotzincos. Aztec tribe, 233

Hueymatzin (Great Hand). Toltec necromancer and sage, 14; reputed author of the Teo-Amoxtli, 46; and Quetzalcoatl, 84

Hueytozoztli (The Great Watch). Festival of Chicomecohuatl, 86

Huichaana. Zapotec deity; in creation-myth, 121, 122

Huillcamayu (Huillca-river). River in Peru; regarded as an oracle, 296

Huillcanuta. Place in Peru, 311

Huillcas. Sacred objects of the nature of oracles, in Peru, 296

Huitzilimitzin. In the story of the vicious princess, 130

Huitzilopocho. Mexican city, 50

Huitzilopochtli (Humming-bird to the Left). Aztec god of war, originally a chieftain, 28, 70; and the foundation of Mexico, 28; the great temple of, at Mexico, 30, 31; plots against the Toltecs and Quetzalcoatl, 60; and the legend of the amusing infant and the pestilence, 63-64; myth of the origin of, 70-72; associated with the serpent and the humming-bird, 72-73; as usually