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Page:NIOSH Hazard review of Carbonless Copy Paper.pdf/44

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Table 3-6. Formaldehyde concentrations in the test chamber at Various points after turning (total of 60 sheets for each condition)
Average formaldehyde concentration (ppm)
Turning rate (sheets/min)[1] Immediately after turning[2] 60 min after turning[3] 90 min after turning[4]
6 0.150 0.307 0.456
5 0.184 0.318
4 0.210 0.308 0.387
3 0.316 0.318 0.386
2 0.334 0.367 0.429
0 0.260 0.427

Adapted from Hazelton Laboratories [1985].

  1. Sixty sheets were placed in the chamber and turned at the indicated rate.
  2. After turning was completed, the sheets were repackaged in the foil pouch and an air sample was collected.
  3. Sixty minutes from the start of the turning, the sheets were repackaged in the foil pouch and an air sample was collected.
  4. Ninety minutes from the start of the turning, the sheets were repackaged in the foil pouch and an air sample was collected.
Table 3-7. Formaldehyde concentrations in the test chamber during a 90-min period[1]
Sampling interval (min) Formaldehyde concentration (ppm)
0—15 0.252
7.5—22.5 0.317
20.8—30.5 0.413
24—39.5 0.454
32—46 0.420
41—56.5 0.456
48.5—64 0.406
60.5—75 0.479
66—84.5 0.415
76.5—91 0.441

Adapted from Hazelton Laboratories [1985].

  1. One hundred twenty sheets were placed in the chamber and turned at 4 sheets/min. Air sampling began when turning began and continued for 60 min after turning was completed.
Carbonless Copy Paper