Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/287

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COASTS bP AUSTrALiA. very thick and ?ggT with pelled to remain. ]?xring' the mornin�wo natives, whom we afterwards r?secl. to be the same that came down to the dry sands last Sunday, were perceived ? from the north end of the long sandy beach towards the point; and, as they passed abreast ofu?, they frl?- quently hailed. Soon at?r they had disappeared round the point, they were seen to paddle in eanoe towards the mangroves en the opposite shore; they were armed with spears, and were, perhaps, returning from a hunting excursion. Soon ai?ter this, they were again perceived pad. 8ling along the edge of the'mangroves, apparently engaged in spearing fish with a fiz-gig; which the striker used in a similar way to that of the natives of Port Jackson;. but from the leisurely manner in which they proceeded, it was evi- denfly their intention to approach us under pretence of ?hing. They were soon lc?t ?ght of by the intervention Vo. L Q