Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/288

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?'26. ??RVE� O1? TH? INTERTROPICAL of the land of the south.east corne r of the port, but in half an hour re-appeared behind the point which was about fifty yards off. As soon as they found themselves perceived, they uttered some un; intelligible words, and made signs of, friendship. by patting their breasts; upon which Mr. Eoe went in the jolly-boat, and endeavoured to bring them alongs. ide, by keeping their canoe close to his boat, and gently pulling towards the vessel; but, upon. thei r evincing symptoms of fear as. they drew. nigh, he rel?zed them,. and beckoned them to follow, which they did for some few seconds; but then gradually edging off, increased their dis?ce from us; after this Mr. Roe came on board, and, by ourentirely disregard; ing their presence, and paying no attention to their movements, the natives assumed confidence, and landed to examine the place where our boat had been constructed, which they did with great mi- nuteness; upon this, some biscuits were thrown to them from the vessel, which they picked up and pretended to eat. Finding that we were not in- clined to take any further notice of them, they soon afterwards re-embarked, and, paddling over to the opposite shore, disappeared round the sandy Early the next morning we succeeded in getting out of the port, but not without difficulty, on ac-