Page:Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet.djvu/23

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CHAPTER XI. A VISIT TO A TIBETAN COUNTRY SEAT. ,^^, Journey with the Pyn Coshos 112 Bide to Rinjaitzay 113 Hunting the musk deer 114 Retum to Teshn Lnmbo .. 116 The Governor of Janglach^ 117 Departnre &om Teshu Lumbo 118 Parting with the Pyn Cnshos 118

CHAPTER XII. AN ACCOUNT OF TIBET. FAG9 or THS OOUNTBT — PBODUOB — FOOD — DB1S8 OT TRX PBOPLK — PBIXBT8 AND KUH8 — HOBSn AND OTHXB ANIMALS — BOrSBB — DIgPOeAL OF DSAD BODIES — POLYANDBY. Prodnoe. Food 119 Dress of the people 120 Priests. Horses 121 Burial of the dead 122 Polyandry 128

CHAPTEB XIII. TRADE OF TIBET. ELashmiris 124 Trade with Bhutan, Assam, and China 125 Trade with Nepal 126 Trade with Bengal 127 Corrency 128 CHAPTEB XIV. NEGOTIATIONS. 1. Politics of Tibet and neighbonring cdnntries 130 Ohstmctiye policy of the Gesnb Rimboch^ 131 Ohanuster of the Teshn Lama 132 Exclusion of Europeans 138 The Lama's proposal to nse influence at Peking 134 2. Conversations with the Teshu Lama at Desheripgay 135 Discussion of the Bhutan War 136 Friendly feeling of the Lama. Questions as to religion 138 Encounter with the Benares vakil 139 The Sopon Chumbo 140 Decline of trade between Bengal and Tibet— causes 141 Mussulman invasion of India 142 Religious conversation — ^reference to Lhasa 148 Gorkha aggression. Further conyersation 144