Page:Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet.djvu/24

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CHAPTER XV. OONVBESATIONS WITH THE TESHU LAMA AT TESHU LUMBO. PAQK The Lama's deeire to have a Buddhist temple on the Qanges 146 Interest with the high-priest at Peking 146 Oonversation with deputies from Lhasa 147 Decay of trade through the conduct of the GK}rkha8 148 Aggression of the Gorkhas. Invasion of Sikkim 149 The Gesub Rimbochd and the Chinese 150 Second in teryiew with the deputies from Lhasa 152 Letter to Gesub Rimboch^ 153 Reasons for not going to Lhasa 154 Narrow-minded prejudices of Gesub Rimboch^ 155 Vakils from Nepal. The Gorkha Rajah 157 Death of the Gorkba Rajah 159 Misunderstanding between Russia and China 160 Interview with the Kashmiri merohants 161 Visit from the Tibetan merchants 163 The temple on the Ganges. Further conversation 164 Requests at parting 166 Moro roligious conversation. Catholic missionaries 167 Russians and Chinese. The Lama's watches 168 Efforts of the Lama to romove jealousy of English 169 Desire of the Lama for friendly relations between India and China .. 170 Farowell to the Lama 171 CHAPTER XVI, THE EPISODE WITH THE CHAUDURI. The Chauduri an emissary of the Gesnb Rimboeh^ 172 Conversation with the Chauduri 173 The Chauduri disclaimed by the Gesub 174 Second interview with the Chauduri 175 Reasoning on the Chauduri intrigue 176 CHAPTER XVII. RETURN FROM TIBET TO BENGAL. NEGOTIATIONS IN BHUTAN. Mr. Bogle's affection for the Lama and his people 177 Incidents on the road 178 Sects of the Yellow and Red Caps 180 Old friends. A hot spring 181 Arrival at Paro. Return to Tassisudon 182 Paro as a central mart 183 Proposals for facilitating trade 184 Offer of free trade to Bhutan 186 Opening of trade with Bhutan 187 Exclusion of Europeans 188 Negotiations with the Deb Rajah 189 Return to Bengal 190