Page:Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet.djvu/25

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CHAPTER XVIII. GENERAL BGPORT BY MB. BCX;»LE ON HIS RETURN FROM TIBET. Bhutan. — ^Faoe of the ooontry 191 „ Histoty 192 „ Revenne. Oontrast between Bhutan and Tibet 198 Tibet.— -History 19* „ The Lamas. Chinese at Lhasa 195 „ Parallel between Lamas and Popes 196 „ Inflnenoe of Teshn Lama 197 „ Condnot <^ the Gk>rkha Rajah 197 YisitB from Kashmiri and Tibetan merchants 198 Beasons for not going to Lhasa. Retnm to Bhutan * 199 Difficult n^iotiations at Tassisudon 200 Trade engrossed by the Deb Rajah and his officers 201 Permission obtained for merchants to pass through Bhutan 202 Trade between Bengal and Tibet .. .. 203 Suggestions for extension of trade 204 Importance of removing obstructions in Nepal 205 CHAPTER XIX. JOURNEY OP THE TESHU LAMA TO PEKING. AND HIS DEATH. PROJECT OP MR. BOGLE FOR MEETING THE LAMA AT PEKING. Debts of Chiaese merchants. Journey of the Teshu Lama 207 Promise of the Lama to procure passports to Peking for Mr. Bogle 208 Account of the Teshu Lama's journey and death (note) 208 Proposals respecting Mr. Bogle's mission to Peking 209 JOURNEY OF MR. THOMAS MANNING TO LHASA (1811-12), . CHAPTER L JOURNEY FROM CANTALBARY TO PARI-JONG. Approaching Bhutan 218 On the road to Pare 214 Theft of spoons. Leave Paro 215 Arrival at Pari-jong 216 A churlish servant. Arrival of Chinese 217 Successful practice as a physician. Permission to proceed 218b