Page:National Lyrics.pdf/8

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Mignon's Song, translated from Goethe 51
The Sisters, a Ballad 54
The Last Song of Sappho 61
Dirge 65
A Song of the Rose 68
Night Blowing Flowers 73
The Wanderer and Night Flowers 75
Echo Song 78
The Muffled Drum 80
The Swan and the Sky Lark 83
Songs of Spain
1. Ancient Battle Song 89
2. The Zegri Maid 91
3. The Rio Verde Song 95
4. Seek by the Silvery Darro 98
5. Spanish Evening Hymn 99
6. Bird that art singing on Ebro's Tide 101
7. Moorish gathering Song 102
8. Song of Mina's Soldiers 104
9. Mother, oh! sing me to rest 106
10. There are sounds in the Dark Roncesvalles 108