Page:Native Religions of Mexico and Peru.djvu/153

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gous infirmity to that which besets the knot-tiers amongst ourselves.[1]

  1. In addition to the works of Acosta, Gomara, Herrera, Humboldt, Waitz and Müller, already cited in connection with Mexico, and Prescott's "Conquest of Peru," we may mention the following authorities for the political and religious history of Peru:

    Xeres (Pizarro's secretary): "Verdadera relacion de la conquista del Peru y provincia del Cuzco llamada la nueva Castilla . . . por Francisco de Xeres," &c.: Seville, 1534. English translation by Markham in "Reports on the Discovery of Peru:" printed for the Hakluyt Society, London, 1872.—Zarate (official Spanish "auditor" in Peru): "Historia del descubrimiento y conquista del Peru. . . . La qual escriua Augustin de Çarate," &c.: Antwerp, 1555. English translation: "The strange and delectable History, &c.: translated out of the Spanish Tongue by T. Nicholas:" London, 1581.—Cieza de Leon (served in Peru for seventeen years): "Parte Primera Dela chronica del Peru," &c.: Seville, 1553. The second and third Parts have never been printed. English translation by Markham: Hakluyt Society, 1864. [N.B. Xeres (or Jeres), Cieza de Leon and Zarate, are all contained in Tom. XXVI. of Aribau's "Biblioteca de autores Españoles."]—Diego Fernandez of Palencia (historiographer of Peru under the vice-royalty of Mendoza): "Primera, y Segunda Parte, de la Historia del Peru," &c.: Seville, 1571.—Miguel Cavello Balboa: "Histoire du Pérou," in Ternaux-Compans, Vol. XV.—Arriaga: "Extirpacion de la Idolatria del Piru . . . Por el Padre Pablo Joseph de Arriaga de la Compañia de Jesus:" Lima, 1621. Extracts are given in Ternaux-Compans, Vol. XVII.—Fernando Montesinos: "Memoires historiques sur l'Ancien Pérou:" translated from the Spanish MS. in Ternaux-Compans, Vol. XVII.