Page:Native Religions of Mexico and Peru.djvu/154

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To return to the Peruvian author of whom I intended to speak. He is the celebrated Garcilasso

    Montesinos rectifies Garcilasso de la Vega on more points than one.—Johannes de Laet: "Novus Orbis," &c.: Leiden, 1633.—Velasco: "Historia del Reino de Quito," &c.: Quito, 1844. This work is in three Parts, the second of which, the "Historia Antigua," is the one referred to in future notes. This second Part is translated in Ternaux-Compans, Vols. XVIII. XIX.

    The Abbé Raynal's "Histoire philosophique et politique des établissements... des Européens dans les deux Indes" (10 vols.: Geneva, 1770) made a great stir in its time, the English translation by Justamond reaching a third edition in 1777; but it is now completely forgotten, and has no real value for our purposes. I cannot refrain from a passing notice of a romance which is now almost as completely forgotten as the Abbé Raynal's History, in spite of its long popularity: I mean Marmontel's "Les Incas et la Destruction de l'empire du Pérou:" Paris, 1777. The author derived his materials from Garcilasso de la Vega. In spite of the florid style and innumerable offences against historical and psychological fact which characterize this work, it cannot be denied that Marmontel has disengaged with great skill the profound causes of the irremediable ruin of the Peruvian state.

    Lacroix: "Pérou," in Vol. IV. of "L'Amérique" in "L'Univers Pittoresque."—Paul Chaix: "Histoire de l'Amerique méridionale au XVIe siècle," Part I.: Geneva, 1853.—Wuttke: "Geschichte des Heidenthums," Theil I., 1852.—J. J. von Tschudi: "Peru. Reiseskizzen aus den Jahren 1838—1842:" St. Gallen, 1846.—Thos. J. Hutchinson: "Two Years in Peru, with explorations of its Antiquities:" London, 1873. Hutchinson had good reason to point out the exaggerations in which Garcilasso indulges with reference to his ancestors the Incas, but he himself speaks too slightingly of their government. Had it not been in the main