Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/205

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have to lie above ground after I'm dead. If I had been a good girl, I might now be in a home just as pretty and warm as this. I might have my mother, or, at least, Biddy, to put oil on my burns, fix me nicely in my little bed, and get me some good supper. Then, after a while, the aches would ease off, perhaps, so that I could go to sleep and get rested. Oh, dear! I wonder if God sees me now, or am I cast out, a prey for evil spirits forever?"

As Nattie was about to turn away, acry of surprise and terror arose within. The young wife had seen the wild, scarred face at the window, and was clinging to her husband in great alarm.

"Who could it have been?" she cried;—"the most fearful face pressed close against the window-pane, glaring upon us with its distressed, staring eyes!"

"It must have been imagination," returned the husband; "but, to satisfy you, I will open the window, and see if anything is there."