Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/206

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"Don't! don't!' she cried; "it may be some of the wild people around, come to rob and murder us."

"I have no such fears," said the husband, throwing up the sash.

The roar of the pines and the rising storm came floating into the apartment, mingled with the wail of a dark object that lay on the ground beneath the window.

"There is something here, living and in distress," said the husband. "Hold the lamp, Dimple, while I see what itis."

The wife tremblingly obeyed. A prostrate human form was soon discovered. The sash was lowered, and the man took the lamp in his own hand, and went to the outer door. His wife clung to him in terror.

"Don't be alarmed," he said; "it is some person who is sick, or hurt, and I think it is a woman, or child."

He stepped along the path, to the spot where