Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/260

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she wrought this portion of it. But we can soon determine whether I am right or not."

"How?" asked Augustus Reid.

The young couple glanced at each other; the wife opened the bed-room door and peeped in; then, approaching her husband, she whispered:

"It is not best to waken her to-night; but may not our guest takea peep to see if he will recognize the face on the bed-room pillow?"

"You know she is very timid, and unwilling to see strangers," the husband remarked, aloud.

"If she is here," said the young man, approaching with an anxious air, "give me one look, and I will depart. Please do me the justice to believe that I had no hand in her abduction, and it has been the hope of my life to see her restored to her friends."

The young wife, at a glance from her husband, now swung open the bed-room door, and the youth looked in on the sleeper.

"It is Nathalie," he said, and at once drew