Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/261

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back, lifting his blanket from the lounge.

"You certainly do not think of leaving us now," said Mr. Nesmith.

"It is better," he answered; "I should prefer it. One thing more I would ask, however. I think you can have no objection to following my wishes in this respect. Nathalie, your sister, has never known me as the son of my father, the old chief, North Wind; in the very few times we have met,—only three in all, I believe,—I have been to her Augustus Reid. Let me continue thus."

Mr. Nesmith bowed, and said:

"I have no objection to this, certainly. But you muet not think of leaving us at present. You have recognized Nattie; we wish to see her recognize you. My father will be here before many days; he will wish to thank you for having restored to him his lost child."

"But she will not be restored to him through my efforts," said the young man; "nor did I bring her to you."