Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/262

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"You have revealed her identity, which is the same," said the wife.

"That you could have discovered at any moment by simply asking her name," said the youth; "and she must soon have learned that your name is the same as hers, and would then have made herself known without any asking."

"I don't know about that; I doubt if she would," said Mr. Nesmith; "for you know, wife, how she has shrunk from being questioned as to her name, and seemed afraid that it might be known."

"It can not be that she does not long to be restored to her friends," said Augustus Reid.

"I am thinking of the delightful surprise which we have in store for father, when he shall arrive," said the young wife.

"True," responded the husband. "I recollect that he quite doted upon Nattie, when she was a little thing; and I have always heard, in later years, by letters from my married sister, who