her long arms, and shouted shrilly: “Glory! Hallelujah” and then, in wild, ecstatic fury jumped up and down before Helga clutching at the girl‘s soaked coat, and screamed: “Come to Jesus, you pore los‘ sinner!” Alarmed for the fraction of a second, involuntarily Helga had shrunk from her grasp, wriggling out of the wet coat when she could not loosen the crazed creature‘s hold. At the sight of the bare arms and neck growing out of the clinging red dress, a shudder shook the swaying man at her right. On the face of the dancing woman before her a disapproving frown gathered. She shrieked: “A scarlet ‘oman. Come to Jesus, you pore los‘ Jezebel!”
At this the short brown man on the platform raised a placating hand and sanctimoniously delivered himself of the words: “Remembah de words of our Mastah: ‘Let him that is without sin cast de first stone.‘ Let us pray for our errin‘ sistah.”
Helga Crane was amused, angry, dis-