Page:New Peterson magazine 1859 Vol. XXXVI.pdf/473

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calf. This is done three times in the interval > twenty~six stitches. The border stitches on both of three turns: you repeat the pattern two times 2 sides of the heel you then take, as you do in

more, so that in the whole the three psttern-sknitting a stocking, up on the two needles of turns are counted five times, and knit eight turns g the flat sole of the foot, and knit them on like

more plain.

The number of the stitches is here 5 wise in rows, going to and back, narrowing in

diminished to fifty, one turn is knitted plain in 3 every turn, which you work on the right side, plain; the loops of this turn are afterward taken i one stitch at, the beginning and the end, but so up oncenmore for executing thellittle facing. i that you keep beside the narrowing two stitches

Then fo own one turn left in b uo, one turn g as border to knit plain. This you do until the Tigl", one "I"! left- in white, one turn right, 006 E flat sole of the foot, from the first pattern-turn

mm left. One "I"! right in blue, and With lbilgon, counts fifty-six rounds, then you knit one letter color the lower part of the leggin is finished round 10ft, “ml take up, The stitches round the according to the following pattern: 5 border of the solo join with the fore stitches of

1!! Round—In this round, ful" time! (each E the flat sole of the foot. A little border of three time one stitch) taken up. .which is done best rounds, ribbed on the right side, being still on the in that place where four stitches are to be knit S needle, Having finished, you mesh ofl‘ loosely right one after the other. Consequently thesesmund, and the log-gin is done except the two four stitches are four times divided to but three 3 single rufi's, or garniturcs, and the dented part

ititche: of thef firmer rtlwlund. nit:

one e t, our rig

1Y2“ therefrilrte § on the side of the feet, which imitates a flap for

, one 0 I. One "g

, buttoning over.

one left, one right, from * five times more re-g peated.

Now you mks up those stitches of the round,

The round must now count fifty-four i which we have spoken of at the beginning of


gthe first rufl‘, or garniture, and knit with blue

2nd Round—J left, four right, two left, one; worsted.

right, one left—from * repeated five times more. S

1st Round—Two right, two left—down to the

8711 Round.—* 011° left—the following twogend of the round,

stitches being taken previously on a pecnlinrs 2nd Round.-Oneright, turned over, oneright, needle, (knitting or darning needle,) yon knit l one left, turned over, one left—down to the end

the two following stitches right, then first the i of the turn—(the stitches to be knit right have two Smith“ kept btwk- likeWise right. 50 that the to come up in this trimming with the stitches of two first of the four stitches knitted right in the 3 the former round, knit right.) former round have become last; then farther—i

0m! 18“. one right. 011° left, 011° right—from * repeated five times more. 41h Round—Like the 2nd round. 5th Round—Like the 1st round, but without taking up.

6th Round—Like the 4th round. 71!: Round—Like the 6th round.

8th Round—Like the 4th round. 9th Round.-This round is done once more,

3rd Round—Three right, three left, (out of

every thread turned over a stitch is knitted.) ',¢1,/~1,;/MW1”

4th Round—Always three right, three lett. 51h Round—One right, turned over, one right, turned over, one right, one left, turned over, one left, turned over, one left—down to the end of

the turn. 6!): Round—Five right, five left, (from every

thread turned over a stitch is knitted.) 70: Round—Five right, five left.

according to the explanation of the third round, After this, you mesh ofl‘ loosely. The second by knitting every time last the first two of the i set is knit in the same way to the row of the four stitches being knitted plain. This pro-Qleggin above mentioned. Both these garnitures, ceeding is always repeated after five rounds, by g of course, fall downward—the small facing, how

which you form the chain pattern, which is seen 5 over, which we are going to describe, has to

in the illustration.

  • -> stand above.

After you have done in this way thirty rounds, 2 You take up the stitches of the round men~ you count out twenty-six stitches for a smallfitioned before, (one round has fifty,) and knit heel, so that, of course, as in a stocking, t-hefiwith blue worsted in the opposite direction to narrowing, which forms the calf, meets in a that of the le gin twelve rounds, alternately one straight direction the middle of the heel. You i turn right, age turn left, then you mesh of the knit therefore over these twenty-six stitches and 5 whole turn—on this ribbed part almost plainly

back sixteen rows the same pattern, (of course 2 joining above now are knit six rows of small on the left side the stitches which have to ap- g fringes, (on each of the ribs one row,) and that

pear plain on the right side are to be knit left.) 5 in the change of one white and one blue row— After knitting one row left, you mesh oti' thei this is done in the following manner: