You take up the stitches of the first rib, (the s the one taken off drawn over, so that three loops first prominent row knitted left) always taking i become one loop,) two right, turncd over—one *
the upper, not the lower link of the stitches, i three times more repeated, and the last loop knit apply the white worsted, knit off 1- right, theiplainly. first of the stitches being on the needle, sndi
4th Round—Knit to the left—and from every
bring this stitch just formed on the left needle, > thread turned over one loop likewise knit left. thrust the right needle once more into the link just knit 08', and already let down, but this; time from behind, knit thereout n second loop, Q
and draw over this the loop first knit.
6th Round.- Like the 8rd round. 61h Round —Like the 4th round. 7th Round.—-Like the 3rd round.
In thisE
8th Round—Like the 4th round.
manner you knit off all the loops of the round: E
9th Round—Is knit entirely left on the right
tie to the end of the thread and draw out the g side of the knitting and meshed off; with the needles, and you have done the first row of the i latter, the meshing off you can at once join the
little fringes.
The second row is joined with g part with the leggin by taking there, where the
blue in the same way to the following rib (the z illustration shows the top of the button, closely prominent row, knitted left) of the facing. Then i by the chain pattern stripe, the loop lying some
ngain comes a row of white fringe, and so forth, g what deeply upon a separate needle, and knit until the number of rows of the fringe narrowed i each one of these loops together with a loop of
is done. i the part just knit, and by drawing over the fore We close with the description of the small lace, i going loop, as is commonly done. But if this which is to be knit with blue worsted, and an i appears too complicated, you finish the head
other sett oft thirty-three loops to be made. lat Round.—Quite plainly knit.
part by itself, and afterward sew to the leggin,
and fasten to it each of the four dentels with on
2nd Round.--Plainly knitted too, so as to form elegant button. a rib on the left side.
In making the second leggin,
i you have to take care that the button part comes
3rd Round—(Right side of knitting work,) * ‘ to the opposite side. A piece of morocco leather one right, turned over, two right, doubly nar- i is to be sewed to the front of the lcggin, reach
rowcd, (i. 0. one taken off, two knitted together, i ing from one side of the flat sole to the other.
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