Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/11

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From a Rider in the Country, to his
Employer in

When I wrote to you laſt from Boſton, in this county, I tranſmitted you a minute account of debts collected, and orders received. I doubt not but you will judge from thence that matters have gone on favourably hitherto. Having waited on our three principal correſpondents in this city, I am to inform you that two of them have diſcharged their bills, and given freſh orders to a conſiderable amount; but the other ſtill continues tardy. You will readily perceive that I mean Mr. Slowman, whoſe affairs I am given to underſtand are in a very embarraſſed ſituation. Some people here are of opinion that a Statute of Bankruptcy will be taken out againſt him while others talk of a compromiſe. I have been adviſed to arreſt him in your name, for the debt that is owing; but as this is a tender point, I dare not proceed in it, without your authority; nor does it become me to dictate to you, but to receive and act according to your inſtructions. I ſhall, therefore not take any meaſure till I know your pleaſure, with which I hope to be favoured by return of poſt, and remain, Sir, Your devoted Servant,