Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/12

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From a Young Man who had failed in
Business, so a Gentleman of Fortune.

I apply to you in my preſent ſituation, from the exalted character you bear, of being ever diſpoſed to acts of humanity. It was my misfortune to enter upon a buſineſs, with the nature of which I was in a great meaſure unacquainted. After having been about two years in buſineſs, to avoid the miſeries of a priſon, I took ſhelter in London, where I have derived all my ſupport from a brother, who is but in very indifferent circumſtances. In this melancholy ſtate I was informed that a relation of yours at Mancheſter wanted a Clerk, in the room of one who is going abroad, and therefore embrace this early opportunity of writing to you to ſolicit your recommendation. I have yet ſome friends, who will give ſecarity for any truſt repoſed in me; and I hope that no part of conduct will ever give offence. Though I have been misfortunate, I truſt I ſhall never be diſhoneſt. If you ever did a generous action (and I know of many) the grant of the favour now requeſted will add to the number, as well as lay me under the moſt laſting obligations. Waiting your pleaſure, you will deign to let me hear from you, I am.SIR,

In the moſt reſpectful manner,

Your's, &c. John Needful.