Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/14

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you will look out for a ſnug convenient ſpot, where I may end my days in quietneſs and ſolitude-and you will confer a laſting obligation on,Sir,Your's ſincerely,

Andrew Sorrowful.


I rejoice that ſucceſs has crowned your honeſt endeavours, and that you have formed a reſolution of ending your days in tranquility, as I have done, and find no reaſon to repent. I have booked out for a proper place, where you will be well accomodated. The houſe is ſituated near the church, ſo that you will have frequent opportunities of attending divine worſhip. The proſpect is agreeable, and there are many pleaſing walks, calculated to bring the mind into a ſolid frame of thinking. Every thing ſhall be ready for your reception, therefore let my beg to hear from you as ſoon as poſſible. I am, Your's ſincerely,

Robert Friendly.


From a Creditor to a Debtor.

It is out of my power to give you any further indulgence, ſeeing that the money has been long due, and I am at preſent in great want of it; if, therefore, you will not ſettle your bill by fair means, you ſhall ſhortly be obliged by legal compulſion. I am, Sir,

Your's,Timothy Severe.