Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/13

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( 13 )


Your's I received, and am much concerned for your misfortunes, to alleviate which, I have cheerfully complied with your requeſt, and my relation has conſented to receive you. Go immediately to Mancheſter, as no time is to be loſt; this is a neceſſary conſideration, becauſe you ſhould have ſome knowledge o the buſineſs before the clerk goes away.—I have done all in my power to ſerve you, and ſent ſomething encloſed to defray your expence. I am your well-wiſher,

James Friendly.


From a Tradesman desirous of retiring from
Business, to his friend in the Country.

I have now been, as you well know, near thirty years in trade; nor have I ſpent the whole of that time in vain. God has been pleaſed to bleſs my honeſt endeavours, inſomuch, that I poſſeſs what I think a competence to retire from the noiſe and buſtle of life. I have ſettled my accounts to the general ſatisfaction of thoſe with whom I was concerned. My wife and only ſon died about two years ago, of an epidemical diſtemper, within a ſhort time of each other; and it may be juſtly ſaid, that I have been in a ſtate of mourning ever ſince: I therefore beg that