Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/16

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( 16 )

I can warrant them all good of their kind.—By the next ſhip that fails from your port, you will ſend me the ſeveral articles ſpecified in the order incloſed. As, from our long connexion, I am perſuaded you have a due ſenſe of the duties of commercial life, I cannot doubt of your attention to the qualities of the goods, or your care in diſpatching them. I am, Sir, Your moſt humble Servant, W.B.


Your advice of the goods ſhipped on board the Success, Captain Fairweather, came duly to hand; and I have the pleaſure to inform you of their arrival a ſhort time after the packet. I ſhall ſhip on board the Speedwell, Capt. Bluffman, the ſeveral articles specified in your order, and act, I hope, upon the principles you mention, from a due conviction of their importance in the mercantile line. The continuance of our correſpondence will be highly acceptable to me, and I doubt not of its being productive of our mutual benefit.

I remain, Sir,
Your humble Servant,A. J.


To a Merchant in London, giving Orders
for shipping of Goods.

SIR, Plymouth, March 15.
I received your's, acknowledging the receipt of my laſt, with the encloſed Draught on Mr. Peter Punctual, to the amount of your demand. You will be pleaſed to ſhip for me, on board the firſt veſſel bound for this port,