Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/17

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( 17 )

ſix hogſheads of Jamaica ſugar, ſix puncheons of molaſſes, and ſix barrels of Malaga raiſins. For quality and charge I rely upon your integrity and moderation, and remain,

Sir, Yours, &c. S. J.


Written under the Bill of Parcels.

Pursuant to your's of the 15th inſtant, I have ſent the articles therein ordered, as per Bill of Parcels above, which I hope you will receive ſafe, and to your ſatisfaction, by the ſhip Couster, Simon Starboard maſter, for Plymouth. Aſſuring you, that your commands ſhall, at all times, be punctually executed, I remain, Sir,

Your moſt humble Servant, W. W.


From a Tradesman to a principal Creditor,
requesting his Acceptance of a composition.

I am under the necessity of informing you, that I am in the number of the unfortunate involved in the common ruin, occaſioned by ſome late capital failures. To you, as my principal Creditor, I therefore firſt addreſs myſelf. My books ſhall be ſubmitted to the inſpection of ſuch perſons as may be appointed on the occaſion. Permit me, therefore, to requeſt you will be pleaſed to call a meeting of my Creditors, repreſent my caſe, and any remaining effects all be ſurrendered without